I saw that immensely ignorant post you made about the "danger" of covid spike protein. What that bid of fluff you posted is called "doubt inducing minutia". Same with this.
Beginning in March, Covid became a preventable disease due to Biden's vigorous program to make the vaccine available. From the end of March through today, 10,000.000 people have become infected. About a hundred or so were vaccinated. Same with negative side effects.
Of the ten million virtually all of whom were unvaccinated, 127,000 people died. About 333,000 are dealing with long haul Covid.
What are you pushing? "lookee at the pictures from a microscope" and "lookee at this non-peer reviewed report that shows something about spike proteins that looks scary but really means nothing". It's dumb stuff.
Ignorance can be cured and Covid is preventable. Doing both will save lives. I don't care about yours. So stay ignorant and I hope you like sweeping floors for a shop that employs less than 100 workers. Don't go to the hospital if you get sick with covid. Stick to your principles and suck on your baby bottle of Ivermectin.
If you're going to question what's there at least provide something intelligent yourself because citing the marvellous work of a know Child Tamp who has a Son who loves child prostitutes & is best friends with a child face filleter doesn't help your credibility for one. Your leaders are Child Molesters when it comes down to it & the same people trying to jab every fucker down to the age of 12 years old (For now).. hmm interesting hey..
2nd, Show me where Covid has been purified? To have a virus its existence MUST be proven outside of a computer program from China.
3rd, What cycle threshold are the PCR running at taking into consideration Fauci himself said anything over 35 cycles is picking up nothing more than dead cellular debris which is always there?
You want to talk about ignorance? Bud I can lay waste to ANYONE here when it comes to microbiology, virology, biochemistry. In the end you've said nothing that's intelligent & resort to the usual comments of the fucking dumb arses who seem to know they're out of their league. I've done this for a very long time, have butted heads with biologists etc & not once has ANYONE been able to prove the existence of the virus & even when Governments are asked to present the evidence they have to admit they don't have it which includes your very own CDC & FDA to boot.
As for the PCR test let's talk about the DELTA variant which is nothing more than what used to be known as the "Indian variant" until the Indian Government threatened legal proceedings. Because so many people are coming down with this DELTA variant it must have a pretty stringent testing process. Can you show me where this test is please? It's something no-one can do and every lab inside the USA admits doesn't exist. How are they manufacturing these numbers if they can't even measure the variant in the first place?
Countries such as Israel, Iceland, Malta & Gibraltar are the highest inoculated countries on the planet yet in one Jerusalem hospital admissions are 90% double jabbed. I'm hearing similar stories coming out of the USA & to the extent that 1000's of frontline workers within the next month (Coerced to get this fucking shit of course) are walking off the job & joining the resistance. There's your trojan horse for "Flooded Hospitals" also. Get the fuck out of daydream land dude because the reality is those trying to speak out whether injured or have witnessed what's going on are immediately censored. Last years heroes are this years villains according to JOE BIDEN & his child tamp pals.
Just the fact you speak about Biden like that tells a lot about you to be honest.In my country more people have died due to the lockdowns that Covid (Assuming it even exists) & lol what you think this is a pandemic? I haven't had a vaccine in the last 35 years, rarely fall sick with ANYTHING & even when I do I'm not a little pussy who shits himself & runs off to the hospital worried about a mythical virus jamming fucking ethylene oxide into my brain barrier just to be sure I haven't got the mythical virus either. Know what the funny thing about the swabs are dude? You're meant to spit on them, not shove them into your brain.
The feeling is mutual also btw. Hell I couldn't care if inoculation gets to 80% in my country & then every retard drops to the ground... Self inflicted for putting faith into people who lie at every opportunity they get.
As for Ivermectin lol fuck off. I know of many different remedies that can block the ACE-2 receptors. That's what happens when Terrain Theory is your go to & not the proven fraud of Germ Theory. You actually think you're generating a response to Covid when that shits injected haha na its your body responding to being fucking poisoned just the same as if you're bitten by a snake or a tick. You know Toxins being injected into the bloodstream etc? Fucking dumb arses. In my country a bill was passed last year to approve the use of poison being used as a health treatment. Yeah the exact same jabs you're praising mate, nice work there.
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