US Hospital Facility Bed Capacity Map
Not a single state near overwhelmed capacities.
In France it's the same, explosion of positive pcr tests in late december but no serious impact on health system, no improved death rate.
Gov. has destroyed thousands of beds and thousands of health professionals have been forced to quit because of their vaccination status. Each year for decades, heatlh pro. are on strike for the lack of money and staff. This year is not different from other years and NO, non vaccinated people are not the reason why pandemic is still there.
It's proven that vaccinated people still can spread and get the disease, and it's even more useless against omicron spreading. So useless that Israël is now changing his strategy and is now focusing on fragile people that are dying, a small part of population and certainly not young and healthy people, rather than the overall population. Which we all should have done for a long time now.
You are believing and falling in what looks like a cult way more than me.