Well-Known Member
Yep, it will work both ways for awhile.maybe right?
you might maybe or probably need one to come here too so you can visit trump tower in nyc
Yep, it will work both ways for awhile.maybe right?
you might maybe or probably need one to come here too so you can visit trump tower in nyc
Maybe I’ll put you on ignore but I probably won’t because you make me laugh, guys with the "maybe" and "probably"
how about when i say "i maybe injured by the shot"
oh then im crazy
Justin and his Uncle Joe will be like two peas in a pod on pandemic policy, we follow the science too.There's no non-essential travel to Canada right now. Seems somewhat related.
The two are not really the same thing, we are echoing expert advice and opinion, that we saw was the correct course of action over the past year, as events repeatedly played out and it is backed up by solid peer reviewed science (for those who can understand it).so its not ok for me to say that shot MIGHT not be safe, but it's ok for you all to sit here and tell me that i MIGHT need a covid passport
You’re just looking for attention. When you were a kid, were you ignored by your parents?so the shot MIGHT be safe, but it MIGHT not be safe, but the odds are, it is safe, maybe...
i hold out because it's still in the experimental stage, and you guys wanna burn me at the stake, and you call me every name in the book, weakly attempt to insult my intelligence, and i still think you all suck at best
except for mooray - he's a nice guy
You didn't have to delete anything. You chose to. That guy admitted openly to being a psycho, and also said that we wanted to burn people, who he disagreed with as far as vaccines, with flame throwers. So you suspended the guy who called out the self-admitted psycho. Cool story bro.Wow, what a whiner!
I told you privately why I prohibited you from posting in this thread yesterday, and it was for only one day. If you want to publicize all of the difficulties that you have to put up with, then let's tell the entire story. I had to delete 5 or 6 of your offensive posts where you referred to another member as a psychotic nazi. That's plenty enough to award an official warning, but I didn't do that. Next time I will.
Now you can tell us all how it's so unfair, and how sore your ass is.
Reported as spam.You didn't have to delete anything. You chose to. That guy admitted openly to being a psycho, and also said that we wanted to burn people, who he disagreed with as far as vaccines, with flame throwers. So you suspended the guy who called out the self-admitted psycho. Cool story bro.
You let many others run rampant with their vulgar attacks on others in the politics section, but somehow my post was over the top. Got it dude, you like to pick sides. OK, whatever then. You are admin, I am just a member, so you can flex, and I have to bow down. Awesome way you run the site bro! I'm sure you'll delete this too, and maybe even ban me for stating the complete facts. That would be too bad, but you do you. I'll do me, and continue to be authentic.
How special. We got a bunch of hall monitors on a weed forum.Reported as spam.
The two are not really the same thing, we are echoing expert advice and opinion, that we saw was the correct course of action over the past year, as events repeatedly played out and it is backed up by solid peer reviewed science (for those who can understand it).
You have no credible evidence to support your claims, which are a menace to public health by undermining confidence in a safe and effective vaccine that has been demonstrated to save lives, hospitalizations and even prevent illness. If you don't want to take the vaccine, fine, just don't try to rationalize your irrationality about it. The risks and benefits have been clearly laid out for you and are so obvious a child could easily grasp them. I even showed you how mRNA vaccines work and many have explained the risks and benefits in great detail.
Jesus, yer arsehole must be raw from the pounding it's been getting on this thread. If you weren't such a dick I'd feel sorry for you. Trust me, most here really do wish you would skip the shot!
You’re just looking for attention. When you were a kid, were you ignored by your parents?
We don’t care if you take the scary needle or not. At least I don’t.
Easy PJ, I didn’t really. I love reading your thoughts on vaccines and victimhood.How special. We got a bunch of hall monitors on a weed forum.
I only referred to the mRNA vaccines, there MIGHT be issues with the AZ vaccine, but they are rare and many people are avoiding them, but many are not too. As I said before, many over the counter medications and prescription drugs have a much higher mortality rate than the mRNA vaccines, because there have been none so far with over 170 million doses administered. The horse you've been riding has died long ago and is starting to stink.i do have evidence from VAERS but you won't read any of it
what about the blood clots from Astrazenecca? ya know that's still going on FOR SURE - OK? but you dont wanna talk about that do you
then don't
keep beating your drum, buddy
keep driving around your subaru too mr. libby
I’m getting the AZ vaccine on Tuesday. If I don’t make it, at least I won’t have to listen to clowns like you anymore.well im glad you dont care
Don't dig yerself in any deeper please!You didn't have to delete anything. You chose to. That guy admitted openly to being a psycho, and also said that we wanted to burn people, who he disagreed with as far as vaccines, with flame throwers. So you suspended the guy who called out the self-admitted psycho. Cool story bro.
You let many others run rampant with their vulgar attacks on others in the politics section, but somehow my post was over the top. Got it dude, you like to pick sides. OK, whatever then. You are admin, I am just a member, so you can flex, and I have to bow down. Awesome way you run the site bro! I'm sure you'll delete this too, and maybe even ban me for stating the complete facts. That would be too bad, but you do you. I'll do me, and continue to be authentic.
I only referred to the mRNA vaccines, there MIGHT be issues with the AZ vaccine, but they are rare and many people are avoiding them, but many are not too. As I said before, many over the counter medications and prescription drugs have a much higher mortality rate than the mRNA vaccines, because there have been none so far with over 170 million doses administered. The horse you've been riding has died long ago and is starting to stink.
As someone posted, a wise man will use the hole in his pocket to scratch his balls, instead of complaining about it! That about sums up my philosophy too.I’m getting the AZ vaccine on Tuesday. If I don’t make it, at least I won’t have to listen to clowns like you anymore.
I try to find the positive in everything.
so its not ok for me to say that shot MIGHT not be safe, but it's ok for you all to sit here and tell me that i MIGHT need a covid passport
In Canada, U.S., vaccine 'passports' could be new point of cross-border contention
Debate is heating up in the freedom-focused U.S. about whether retailers, businesses and employers can and should require customers, workers and visitors to prove they've had a vaccine.
The discussion is also happening in Canada, a country some observers say is more attuned to the collective good than many of those in the land of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
"Some of these discussions could be very challenging," said Jack Jedwab, president of the Association for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Institute for Identities and Migration.
"I don't think that Canadians are going to look kindly on the idea that, you know, you could have significant numbers of people crossing the border that are unvaccinated."
That could be part of the reason for the apparent difference of opinion that emerged Tuesday between Ottawa and the White House on the issue of requiring vaccine documentation.
"The government is not now, nor will we be, supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a credential," press secretary Jen Psaki told the daily White House briefing.
Contrast that with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who -- all the while couching his response in familiar too-soon caveats -- appeared receptive to the idea of vaccine-related travel documents.
"We will continue to work with our partners in the United States and internationally to ensure that this is done properly," Trudeau said in French about how best to reopen the Canada-U.S. border.
"We have already seen the importance of proof of vaccination for international travel ... in a pre-pandemic period in recent years. It will surely be important, but the details of what we are going to do about it, we are still fine-tuning."
In Canada, U.S., vaccine 'passports' could be new point of cross-border contention
Requiring proof of vaccination against COVID-19 could be the next point of contention between Canada and the United
I guess that does make us a socialist country.