Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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youre too fucking stupid to even understand what youve been programmed to say.

tip of the hat to the right wingers for targeting the irreparably stupid, and succeeding wildly
I guess they are the only ones who find this low-lying fruit palatable.
Because they are assholes.
Joe will cleverly handle this situation . His administration is dead serious about getting this virus under control. He won’t make the vaccine mandatory but he will make antivaxx life a living hell . I am hoping for severe penalties for anti patriotic people . There is no I in team. All antivaxxers are I people.
We booed ELP out of the stadium after one song when they said they were only playing music from their new album
The only think I remember about their performance was Keith Emerson summer-salting with his keyboard across the stage while whipping our a monster solo.
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

19 October 2005

Article 11 – Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization

No individual or group should be discriminated against or stigmatized on any grounds, in violation of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

19 October 2005

Article 11 – Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization

No individual or group should be discriminated against or stigmatized on any grounds, in violation of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms
Nobody here is discriminating against you because you are dumb.

We just find it funny.
So vaccinate children based solely off of anecdotal evidence?
Like Mumps being virtually wiped out until people started falling into the Antivax conspiracies?

Screen Shot 2021-05-01 at 4.03.41 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-05-01 at 4.05.25 PM.png

Yeah I will trust science since it is rigorously checked again and again by people who spend their lives devoted to that particular knowledge and all the while fact checking others work as they come across it.
When I served in Iraq I had to get 15 different vaccines to deploy. It was hell, I got very sick and had to get put on steroids and medications. After I received 3 more vaccines. An IED ended my career before I would need another battery of vaccines. I have NEVER gotten another vaccine again, and never will so long as I live. I dont trust them, I dont like them, #mybodymychoice people should have the freedom to get them or choose not to get them, and anyone harassing the others should be tarred and feathered.
When I served in Iraq I had to get 15 different vaccines to deploy. It was hell, I got very sick and had to get put on steroids and medications. After I received 3 more vaccines. An IED ended my career before I would need another battery of vaccines. I have NEVER gotten another vaccine again, and never will so long as I live. I dont trust them, I dont like them, #mybodymychoice people should have the freedom to get them or choose not to get them, and anyone harassing the others should be tarred and feathered.
There is a difference between calling out the propaganda as it is being laid out for the right wing programming, and harassing them.

And saying that someone doesn't have the freedom to get them or not, isn't a real thing.
well you already come off hostile and 100% aggro by labeling it “rightwing” propaganda... BOTH sides have their psyops! If you think for one second EITHER side is looking out for you, well you may be part of the problem. We all should be more concerned with ourselves and less concerned with what our neighbors are doing. For a weed community there are A LOT of opinionated busybodies I’d never break bread or share a joint with...
I already had covid. It was like having a really bad cold. I’ve had worse flu infections.
The common cold was worse imo. I felt a little weird for a day or so and then had a mild dry cough for a few days. This virus that you have what, a 99.7 percent chance of surviving if you catch it. I say that the scare has been created only to motivate people into getting jabbed with experimental injections. It is a marketing campaign, and that is all. All to support certain bank accounts that belong to the capitalist owners of Moderna, Pfizer etc. Companies that, as it happens, have no liability. And the lumpenproletariat willingly go headlong along to get them jabs. As the song goes, time will tell...
well you already come off hostile and 100% aggro by labeling it “rightwing” propaganda...

I don't even remember what you are saying that I was labeling, one sec.....

Ok I think that you are not reading what I said correctly and are intact triggering into thinking I said anything about labeling it 'rightwing' propangda and not propaganda paid for by the right wing. There is a difference, it is subtle, but very important.

BOTH sides have their psyops!
Sure, but only one side is actively seeking and getting help from a foreign military. And only one because of this has to do it with their hands tied in our legal system, which the Republicans do not, because they are not following our laws against working with foreign governments in order to influence our elections.

If you think for one second EITHER side is looking out for you, well you may be part of the problem. .

Shit, I think it is naive as fuck that people even think that is even possible. If people don't know you, never met you, or even heard of you, how could they possibly know what would or would not be looking out for me?

This is why it is so important that the Democratic party is finally being represented by 100% of our nation and not just drawing on the old 33% efficiency the Republicans do. The more we understand our nations needs as a whole the better our investments can be used into our society.

For a weed community there are A LOT of opinionated busybodies I’d never break bread or share a joint with...

The common cold was worse imo. I felt a little weird for a day or so and then had a mild dry cough for a few days. This virus that you have what, a 99.7 percent chance of surviving if you catch it. I say that the scare has been created only to motivate people into getting jabbed with experimental injections. It is a marketing campaign, and that is all. All to support certain bank accounts that belong to the capitalist owners of Moderna, Pfizer etc. Companies that, as it happens, have no liability. And the lumpenproletariat willingly go headlong along to get them jabs. As the song goes, time will tell...
Not so deadly after all.
So vaccinate children based solely off of anecdotal evidence?
Nope, it was a typical news story posted to illustrate a point. Research is on going, but the hospitals are filling with younger people and a portion of them are children. That's why responsible adults get vaccinated and wear masks, we don't know how much of a threat variants are to children.

But you don't really care about children or other people, your posts make that evident. You do care about something and that's why yer here. Now I know these babies are not the "unborn" they were born which is why you don't give a fuck about them. I imagine there were many "unborn" though, so it should be of some concern.
Coronavirus: The babies and children in Brazil's Covid ICU - BBC News

Coronavirus: The babies and children in Brazil's Covid ICU

Coronavirus: The babies and children in Brazil's Covid ICUClose

As Brazil's coronavirus epidemic races out of control, the disease is killing not just adults, but babies and children. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,300 babies under the age of one have died from the virus. With exclusive access to one children’s ICU in the northeast of the country, BBC Brazil’s Nathalia Passarinho speaks to staff about caring for these critically ill children.
  • Haha
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When I served in Iraq I had to get 15 different vaccines to deploy. It was hell, I got very sick and had to get put on steroids and medications. After I received 3 more vaccines. An IED ended my career before I would need another battery of vaccines. I have NEVER gotten another vaccine again, and never will so long as I live. I dont trust them, I dont like them, #mybodymychoice people should have the freedom to get them or choose not to get them, and anyone harassing the others should be tarred and feathered.
That is terrible, but that IED saved you from further vaccine damage. I saw a documentary about it just the other day and learned that they call it ”Gulf War Syndrome”.
Not so deadly after all.

Look all the antivaxxers can now claim victory that the death rate is declining as we get to over 100 million Americans vaccinated and another 500k dead.

Is it you just hope people don't understand math or how anything works?
Joe will cleverly handle this situation . His administration is dead serious about getting this virus under control. He won’t make the vaccine mandatory but he will make antivaxx life a living hell . I am hoping for severe penalties for anti patriotic people . There is no I in team. All antivaxxers are I people.
Once the vaccines come out of emergency use statues, the armed forces and federal employees and contactors will be required to have proof of vaccination. Healthcare providers will charge a premium for stupidity, there will be discounts for the vaccinated, they won't pay for stupid any longer than they have to. Of course private employers, venues and airline travel will want POV too. Younger people will be offered cash for the jab and other incentives, also they will get a lot of PSAs and messages from celebrities advocating vaccination.

Joe will just set the wheels in motion and do nothing about the healthcare providers cutting off coverage or charging a big premium on the stupid. They will get those numbers around 80% by fall or there will be more sore assholes than arms by then.