Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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I had some questionable Texmex for lunch yesterday and subsequently spent the better part of last night and this am filling the porcelain goblet with fiery mud. Feel the description fits the time spent reading this entire thread. Lost some faith in humanity here, and all but for the one low life admin I was able to ignore all the people in here I would NEVER want to communicate with except the very unprofessional admin whom I cannot block. Who the hell gave that arrogant piece of educated beyond his intelligence excrement this job? Doen he not realize boasting his life accomplishments to guys arguing over the internet is the lamest and most pathetic display of beta-cuckery? I lost all respect for “admin” what a loser.
As for the rest of you, if your name is not “Admin” you have my respect, and I wish you well. Thanks, this was very helpful in cleaning 99% of the garbage from this site for me. BTW I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016, but Voted for Trump in 2020. Finally they get someone here that actually supports Trump and will be voting for him in 2024. I fought for us ALL to have opinions in the US, mine/yours we all get to express them freely and well for the rest of you outside of the US, im sorry you dont have free speech. That doesn't mean you get to shit on us for having opinions you dont like. Several people actually voted for Joe and dont see he’s always been a pedophile. Just like Trumps always been an asshole! America needs an asshole who wont bend over for the rest of the world, not a dotard who will abandon it at the first sign of trouble. Either way, we’re ALL fucked, WWIII coming soon to country near you!
Imagine how fucked the USA would have been if Trump won in 2020, he didn't even have a plan for COVID-19, led alone the roll-out of the vaccine. He did abandon everything at the first sign of trouble, he literally had *NO* plan in place for COVID-19 many months after it had already been a major crisis. Over 240 *million* doses have been administers in just 4 months in the USA, love him or hate him at least Mr. Biden is capable of getting things done. I almost wish I lived in the USA because the rollout in Canada has been a shitshow.

The pedo is Donald Trump who routinely walked in on minors changing during his beauty pageants, brags about sexual assault and has MULTIPLE pending sexual assault lawsuits against him and you think the weird old man who smells girls hair is the pedo? The mental gymnastics you guys put yourselves through to convince yourselves Donald Trump is a competent and/or intelligent man is wild.
... and well for the rest of you outside of the US, im sorry you dont have free speech. That doesn't mean you get to shit on us for having opinions you dont like.

Yes, one day the US will bring us Free Speech. And if we are lucky we will also be taught Democracy. Absolutly no idea how the world manage before the US invented these things. Liberty? Still trying to figure that one out yet.
Imagine how fucked the USA would have been if Trump won in 2020, he didn't even have a plan for COVID-19, led alone the roll-out of the vaccine.
He had a plan. Let the States take care of it. Just how he let them all take care of the PPE for the hospitals. It would have been interesting to see him sell it, after telling everyone the virus causes the sniffles. Of course the Liberal Left would not get the shot because that would be a vote for Trump, the people voting for Trump would not get the shot because that would admit The Left were right, the US would have enough doses many times over for the people wanting it. All 12 of them.

Speaking of, they asked Trump to do a PSA telling his voters to take the vaccine he paid for. It has been five days already, maybe he can fit it in between golf rounds and stopping in at stranger's weddings to complain how he got robbed.
Nice to be able to forego routine screening testing and won't have to go into quarantine if a fellow worker (unvaccinated dick that they are) shows up in a meeting with the Covid.

Summary of Recent Changes
Updates as of April 27, 2021
  • Guiding principles for fully vaccinated people are now provided.
  • Underscores that immunocompromised people need to consult their healthcare provider about these recommendations, even if fully vaccinated.
  • Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask outdoors, except in certain crowded settings and venues.
  • Clarification that fully vaccinated workers no longer need to be restricted from work following an exposure as long as they are asymptomatic.
  • Fully vaccinated residents of non-healthcare congregate settings no longer need to quarantine following a known exposure.
  • Fully vaccinated asymptomatic people without an exposure may be exempted from routine screening testing, if feasible.

Vaccination is the price of freedom in this modern, crowded era.

Speaking of, they asked Trump to do a PSA telling his voters to take the vaccine he paid for. It has been five days already, maybe he can fit it in between golf rounds and stopping in at stranger's weddings to complain how he got robbed.

He’ll never do a PSA. His followers say they won’t get a vaccine even if he tells them to so, there is no reason for him to alienate himself from his base.

You know. Leadership.
Nice to be able to forego routine screening testing and won't have to go into quarantine if a fellow worker (unvaccinated dick that they are) shows up in a meeting with the Covid.

Summary of Recent Changes
Updates as of April 27, 2021
  • Guiding principles for fully vaccinated people are now provided.
  • Underscores that immunocompromised people need to consult their healthcare provider about these recommendations, even if fully vaccinated.
  • Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask outdoors, except in certain crowded settings and venues.
  • Clarification that fully vaccinated workers no longer need to be restricted from work following an exposure as long as they are asymptomatic.
  • Fully vaccinated residents of non-healthcare congregate settings no longer need to quarantine following a known exposure.
  • Fully vaccinated asymptomatic people without an exposure may be exempted from routine screening testing, if feasible.

Vaccination is the price of freedom in this modern, crowded era.

Did you get your second shot yet?
Imagine how fucked the USA would have been if Trump won in 2020, he didn't even have a plan for COVID-19, led alone the roll-out of the vaccine. He did abandon everything at the first sign of trouble, he literally had *NO* plan in place for COVID-19 many months after it had already been a major crisis. Over 240 *million* doses have been administers in just 4 months in the USA, love him or hate him at least Mr. Biden is capable of getting things done. I almost wish I lived in the USA because the rollout in Canada has been a shitshow.

The pedo is Donald Trump who routinely walked in on minors changing during his beauty pageants, brags about sexual assault and has MULTIPLE pending sexual assault lawsuits against him and you think the weird old man who smells girls hair is the pedo? The mental gymnastics you guys put yourselves through to convince yourselves Donald Trump is a competent and/or intelligent man is wild.
You are right. No argument.

Just putting in a small comment here. Most people in the US never supported Trump. He won because our constitution skews toward giving unwarranted weight in DC to radical minority groups instead of the general population. But the election was legal and we honored our constitution. Instead, we obstructed him using legal means until we could vote him out. The now out of power radical minority are angry, prone to violence and there are a lot more of them than I would have said there are prior to Nov 3. But they are still a minority and Trump managed one major accomplishment during his term -- he united the majority against his white supremacist movement.