Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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Look dude, it's fine if watching people do completely useless things doesn't freak you out like a normal human being but it does me. Normalizing something that has no effect is stupid. Who said anything about between meetings, did you even read my statement or is it you have comprehension issues? I said "seeing people walking down empty streets alone wearing masks". You must be the type to wear a condom even when not having sex. Do what you like, wear a mask the rest of your life, do it when walking down the roads alone and when out in the parks. Sit in your own house and wear one to watch tv. Do it when it will have no effect on anything except your breathing and comfort. But don't tell me how to feel about people trying to normalize wearing masks when there is no purpose. I work in 3 hospitals, I have more info and guidance on this situation than most, wearing masks outside while not around people is a waste of time. Normalizing it does not help anyone.
So if people chose to dress differently, it upsets you. Both sides are the same again, one spreads a deadly virus through irresponsible selfish behavior. Another side is perhaps merely making a fashion statement or even "virtue signaling" which is generally a good thing as it promotes social behavior and good manners.

I suppose yer gonna say that almost all the terrorist acts and threats in America are not right wing extremists and the republican party has not become a party of extremists. Yeah both sides are the same is running through your posts. Trump lost the election fair and square and his supporters attacked the US capital in an act of insurrection and sedition at his direction. All 73 million Trump voters were moral failures and traitors to the country and constitution. Though by now there might be fewer than 60 million deplorables left, a few million will just stay home next time.
The paranoid right.

Tucker Carlson: If you let Democrats force you to get the vaccine, they'll have complete control forever
I'm willing to bet Tucker is vaccinated, Rupert Murdoch was first in line for his vaccine, even went to the UK to get one. Someone needs to ask Tucker this important question, but I doubt they will catch him in public or in a venue to do it.

Tucker does less harm than people give him credit for, he's already preaching to the converted, he knows his audience or at least his staff does. Tucker is merely doing confirmation bias for the racists, bigots and morons who watch his show. He isn't really changing any minds, just selling ad space and access for marketers to gullible people. Tucker has become what evangelical preachers have been for many decades, collection and concentration points for suckers and idiots.
So if people chose to dress differently, it upsets you. Both sides are the same again, one spreads a deadly virus through irresponsible selfish behavior. Another side is perhaps merely making a fashion statement or even "virtue signaling" which is generally a good thing as it promotes social behavior and good manners.

I suppose yer gonna say that almost all the terrorist acts and threats in America are not right wing extremists and the republican party has not become a party of extremists. Yeah both sides are the same is running through your posts. Trump lost the election fair and square and his supporters attacked the US capital in an act of insurrection and sedition at his direction. All 73 million Trump voters were moral failures and traitors to the country and constitution. Though by now there might be fewer than 60 million deplorables left, a few million will just stay home next time.
What are you even talking about? You suppose I am going to say, are you fucked in the head, seriously, did you get hit or something? No I am not going to talk about the Orangutan you people voted in as your leader nor any bullshit about terrorists. I made a simple statement about people wearing masks where there is no purpose to do so. The fact that it bothers me when people try to normalize such stupidity. Sorry if this is too complicated for you. Do what you want, wear one to bed, wear one in the shower, I am sure the world will be improved if you do many more useless thing to. In the mean time I will just follow what all the heath experts I am surrounded by tell me to do. The same ones that say wearing a mask outside by yourself is a total waste of time.
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So if people chose to dress differently, it upsets you. Both sides are the same again, one spreads a deadly virus through irresponsible selfish behavior. Another side is perhaps merely making a fashion statement or even "virtue signaling" which is generally a good thing as it promotes social behavior and good manners.

LOL you are right. Next time I see someone not wearing a mask when walking alone in the park, I'll be sure to let them know how irresponsible and selfish they are being. I will be sure to remind anyone I see walking with an open umbrella on a sunny day that I appreciate their fashion sense, and shame myself for thinking it is unnecessary.
What are you even talking about? You suppose I am going to say, are you fucked in the head, seriously, did you get hit or something? No I am not going to talk about the Orangutan you people voted in as your leader nor any bullshit about terrorists. I made a simple statement about people wearing masks where there is no purpose to do so. That fact that it bothers me when people try to normalize such stupidity. Sorry if this is too complicated for you. Do what you want, wear one to bed, wear one in the shower, I am sure the world will be improved if you do many more useless thing to. In the mean time I will just follow what all the heath experts I am surrounded by tell me to do. The same ones that say wearing a mask outside by yourself is a total waste of time.
Ha you confused with this idiot, but that mask statement you posted was kinda stupid and a both sides are the same thing argument. The first paragraph applies, but perhaps not the second one to you.

Ha you confused with this idiot, but that mask statement you posted was kinda stupid and a both sides are the same thing argument. The first paragraph applies, but perhaps not the second one to you.

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I said "Seems like both ends of the extreme". In case you are confused that does not mean both sides the same. Either you are intentionally twisting what I said so you can find a reason to argue or you are just lacking the ability to comprehend my statement. Either way this is pointless. Normalizing the wearing of life saving gear when it serves no purpose is of no use to anyone.
citation? Who says you are wasting your time if you are wearing a mask? How does it waste somebody's time?
So now you want to play the semantics game. Fine, it serves no purpose. Does that make you feel better. You know what I meant, why do people just want to argue.


"Masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with people who live in your household."
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So now you want to play the semantics game. Fine, it serves no purpose. Does that make you feel better. You know what I meant, why do people just want to argue.
Seriously, how does wearing a mask while out on one's own waste a person's time?

That's what you said. "Waste of time". What doctor said it? You said they all did. Should be easy to put me in my place if that's true.
LOL you are right. Next time I see someone not wearing a mask when walking alone in the park, I'll be sure to let them know how irresponsible and selfish they are being. I will be sure to remind anyone I see walking with an open umbrella on a sunny day that I appreciate their fashion sense, and shame myself for thinking it is unnecessary.
Wearing a medical mask can't really be interpreted as an antisocial act, unless you are using it to rob a bank! Even alone outside walking in the park, it might be useful for allergies too. On the other hand, not wearing a mask in some places can be, even outside alone, if there is a severe outbreak in the community and the authorities mandate it, which they generally don't.

I guess the main point of it all is to be prosocial and care about the health and safety of others, as well as yourself. Mask wearing, social distancing and vaccines seem to go together for many people. Those who eschew masks often do the same for social distancing and vaccines. There are even those who know they are sick and will wade into a crowd of innocents without a mask, spreading death and misery, they will never take responsibility for it either.

Beau had it right in the video above, they are antisocial free loaders, the ultimate "welfare queens" who depend on others for their welfare and will increasingly do so as more responsible people are vaccinated.
Wearing a medical mask can't really be interpreted as an antisocial act, unless you are using it to rob a bank! Even alone outside walking in the park, it might be useful for allergies too. On the other hand, not wearing a mask in some places can be, even outside alone, if there is a severe outbreak in the community and the authorities mandate it, which they generally don't.

I guess the main point of it all is to be prosocial and care about the health and safety of others, as well as yourself. Mask wearing, social distancing and vaccines seem to go together for many people. Those who eschew masks often do the same for social distancing and vaccines. There are even those who know they are sick and will wade into a crowd of innocents without a mask, spreading death and misery, they will never take responsibility for it either.

Beau had it right in the video above, they are antisocial free loaders, the ultimate "welfare queens" who depend on others for their welfare and will increasingly do so as more responsible people are vaccinated.
Waste of Time!!!
Seriously, how does wearing a mask while out on one's own waste a person's time?

That's what you said. "Waste of time". What doctor said it? You said they all did. Should be easy to put me in my place if that's true.

(Trolling) It isn't a waste of time if I am having fun!

Wearing a medical mask can't really be interpreted as an antisocial act, unless you are using it to rob a bank! Even alone outside walking in the park, it might be useful for allergies too. On the other hand, not wearing a mask in some places can be, even outside alone, if there is a severe outbreak in the community and the authorities mandate it, which they generally don't.

I guess the main point of it all is to be prosocial and care about the health and safety of others, as well as yourself. Mask wearing, social distancing and vaccines seem to go together for many people. Those who eschew masks often do the same for social distancing and vaccines. There are even those who know they are sick and will wade into a crowd of innocents without a mask, spreading death and misery, they will never take responsibility for it either.

Beau had it right in the video above, they are antisocial free loaders, the ultimate "welfare queens" who depend on others for their welfare and will increasingly do so as more responsible people are vaccinated.

I am sure I can figure out a reason to carry an open umbrella on a sunny day, maybe they have a skin disorder that is exacerbated by the sun or something. Doesn't mean it should be normalized that we all carry one. Wasn't that the initial point of the post Mr. Dawson put up regarding wearing the mask alone outside?
I said "Seems like both ends of the extreme". In case you are confused that does not mean both sides the same. Either you are intentionally twisting what I said so you can find a reason to argue or you are just lacking the ability to comprehend my statement. Either way this is pointless. Normalizing the wearing of life saving gear when it serves no purpose is of no use to anyone.
This is normal behavior in many parts of the world, mask wearing in highly urban environments has become a trend, even before this pandemic. I think many people who have spring allergies are gonna discover the benefits of wearing a mask out doors alone. Events can cause social trends, after WW2 short hair and clean shaven became a fashion among men, 17 million of them served and were conditioned to the behavior and the draft was still on during the cold war and after. I think this pandemic will do the same for masks, get used to seeing them long after this is over, somethings leave a mark and the pandemic is one of them.
Seriously, how does wearing a mask while out on one's own waste a person's time?

That's what you said. "Waste of time". What doctor said it? You said they all did. Should be easy to put me in my place if that's true.

Yes, and I corrected it. You know that since you quoted it. I suppose you just want to argue so find someone else.
This is normal behavior in many parts of the world, mask wearing in highly urban environments has become a trend, even before this pandemic. I think many people who have spring allergies are gonna discover the benefits of wearing a mask out doors alone. Events can cause social trends, after WW2 short hair and clean shaven became a fashion among men, 17 million of them served and were conditioned to the behavior and the draft was still on during the cold war and after. I think this pandemic will do the same for masks, get used to seeing them long after this is over, somethings leave a mark and the pandemic is one of them.

I am hopeful the masks stay a staple in our society for indoors (or indoors like events such as sporting events at an open air stadium where everyone is sitting close together). Common viruses have dropped off everywhere since everyone was wearing masks, that should be enough reason to keep them around.
just curious, how is it a waste of time?

I mean, I wear a mask when I'm just out and about driving alone in my car. It's not virtue signaling, as many right wing authoritarians might say in anger, it's just easier. To me. I'm not saying everybody "should" and I don't say it saves me time but I don't understand why its a "total waste of time".

Please give a science-based answer that is rooted in objective facts.
Wasn't that the initial point of the post Mr. Dawson put up regarding wearing the mask alone outside?
Maybe they have allergies and have discovered that masks mitigate the problem greatly? Nobody said that masks should be mandatory outside in all circumstances and few people have that attitude. Those that do, won't have it for long, as norms are reestablished, but it won't go back to the way it was. Masks were popular in Asia and they used them to control earlier epidemics, after that they became even more popular. I believe the same thing will happen in North America too, masks will be seen in public much more and people should get used to it, particularly those using public transport.