Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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Well-Known Member
Even against the Delta variant vaccines are 500% more effective at keeping people from being infected with the virus.

https://www.rawstory.com/vaccines-hold-up-against-severe-delta-us-data/Screen Shot 2021-09-11 at 6.31.25 PM.png
Fully vaccinated people were 11 times less likely to die of Covid and 10 times less likely to be hospitalized compared to the unvaccinated since highly contagious Delta became the most common variant, US health authorities said Friday.

The data came from one of three new papers published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all of which underscored Covid vaccines' ongoing effectiveness against severe outcomes.

For reasons that are not yet well understood, data from one of the studies suggests Moderna's vaccine has offered a slightly higher level of protection in the Delta period.

It comes a day after President Joe Biden announced an aggressive new immunization plan that includes requiring companies employing more than 100 people to either vaccinate their workers or test them weekly.

"As we have shown in study after study, vaccination works," said CDC director Rochelle Walenksy during a press briefing on Friday.

The first study examined hundreds of thousands of cases in 13 US jurisdictions from April 4 - June 19, the period before Delta was dominant, and compared them to June 20 - July 17.

Between these periods, a vaccinated person's risk of Covid infection rose slightly: from being 11 times less likely to be infected compared to an unvaccinated person, to five times less likely.

Protection against hospitalization and death remained more stable, but fell more among people aged 65 and above than for younger age groups.

The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration are assessing the need for booster shots, and it is likely the elderly will be among the first to receive them when the Biden administration starts to roll them out later this month.

One of the studies, which assessed vaccine effectiveness from June - August at more than 400 hospitals, emergency departments and urgent care clinics, stratified efficacy by brand.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
What's hilarious is seeing the left being cucked by big pharma. Jab her, jab her harder.
where exactly do you see that?...and why would that be hilarious? you continue to find enjoyment in the pain of others, which clearly displays your own lack of any human empathy...
i say shit like "i'm ready for all of these idiots to just die from covid so i don't have to listen to their shit anymore"...out of frustration, with no real sense of joy at the thought, but in reality, i don't want anyone to die of any disease...even miserable, hateful, whining bitches who place their own comfort over the safety of anyone who comes in contact with them


Well-Known Member
The rights of the individual are the cornerstone of all other rights. Without individual rights we'd live in a police state.

Wanting to force anything is supporting police. They're the branch of government that forces citizens to do things.

How else do you make everyone get jabbed?

There are no economic or travel restrictions I care about.


Well-Known Member
Are all these people that don't want to take the vaccine homeschooling their children? Because if they're so opposed to vaccines then they must not gotten their children the vaccines required to attend public school.
I know people that are not anti vaccine at all, just this one.


Well-Known Member
The rights of the individual are the cornerstone of all other rights. Without individual rights we'd live in a police state.

Wanting to force anything is supporting police. They're the branch of government that forces citizens to do things.

How else do you make everyone get jabbed?

There are no economic or travel restrictions I care about.
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 11.26.56 AM.png

I know people that are not anti vaccine at all, just this one.
Because the brainwashing on this vaccine was getting set up prior to the vaccine even being finalized.
Complicated question maybe but let's not make it too difficult.

Assume that you trust the science and clinical trials.

The Corona Virus vaccine is here - are you taking it?
Truth of the matter is microscopy has been conducted on all 4 major vaccines & the following has been found in them
1) Graphene Oxide
2) Stainless Steel Nanoparticles
3) Parasites with no known cure & fatal to humans
4) Whatever else they've slapped in there

No way I will be injecting that shit inside my body.
kind of a hypothetical question. The difficulty I will have is deciding if I can trust the science and clinical trials. That is the deciding factor, so if you are asking if I will take a safe and effective vaccine? Then, yes. Just like I did for tetanus and the flu.
It's a slow kill. Don't go near the garbage. They don't have Agenda21 & Agenda30 for no reason along with Covid test patents from 2015.. Fuck there's even a SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 booklet out there. SPARS = Spike Protein Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The images are from microscopy.



Well-Known Member
My only issue with the vaccine is this.
I refuse to use a medical procedure with no liability attached. If I get sick I should be able to sue for damages.

If I was 70 years old I'd get it. But I'm not.
Not sure how to say 'you sound like a super entitled whiny bitch' nicely.