Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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10-year-old Texas boy dies after COVID-19 battle
"Because his heart couldn't pump blood, he developed gangrene in the legs,"

“In addition to the virus, Zyrin contracted respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, his aunt said. Zyrin also suffered from a rare but deadly COVID-19 complication known as MIS-C. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children causes inflammation in different parts of the body, including the heart.”

I wonder how “rare” the MIS-C is. If something like this starts to uptick at all, I would absolutely be in favor of going back to remote learning until there are more vaccine options for children.
Devolution of COVID vaccine efficacy. 100% to monthly maintenance? Right where they want you.

Devolution of COVID vaccine efficacy. 100% to monthly maintenance? Right where they want you.

It is pretty pathetic. People have been getting rid of pretty much any infection by taking a 10x recommended dose of ivermectin 3x per day. And people that haven't been able to get their hands on ivermectin, having been doing well ingesting small amounts(teaspoon) of non-fragrant soaps daily for a couple weeks, since they're all 99.99% anti-bacterial product. Only problem is it upsets your stomach, but it's worth it to get rid of diseases.
“In addition to the virus, Zyrin contracted respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, his aunt said. Zyrin also suffered from a rare but deadly COVID-19 complication known as MIS-C. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children causes inflammation in different parts of the body, including the heart.”

I wonder how “rare” the MIS-C is. If something like this starts to uptick at all, I would absolutely be in favor of going back to remote learning until there are more vaccine options for children.
Barring a new highly contagious and virulent variant that defeats the vaccine, this is almost certainly a very rare event and not cause for going back to social isolation.

N 95 masks work. I don't know if under ten age group will reliably use them properly but remote learning is such a disaster that I'd rather rely on quality masks before going back to that for young adults. My kid did not take well to online learning but he's older and can be taught to wear a mask properly. If others can't handle the better masks then I'm ok if they do the online thing. It works for some, just not my kid. I so very much don't want to go back to online perfunctory sitting in front of a screen.
Barring a new highly contagious and virulent variant that defeats the vaccine, this is almost certainly a very rare event and not cause for going back to social isolation.

N 95 masks work. I don't know if under ten age group will reliably use them properly but remote learning is such a disaster that I'd rather rely on quality masks before going back to that for young adults. My kid did not take well to online learning but he's older and can be taught to wear a mask properly. If others can't handle the better masks then I'm ok if they do the online thing. It works for some, just not my kid. I so very much don't want to go back to online perfunctory sitting in front of a screen.
If your son is old enough to be vaccinated, there is comfort in that. It’s probably a greater risk to keep him home.
If your son is old enough to be vaccinated, there is comfort in that. It’s probably a greater risk to keep him home.
Yes, he's vaccinated. I'm advocating for better masks in schools instead of shutting down. Some people who are vaccinated still can get infected and some people can't be vaccinated. Masks are needed to protect people who aren't able to be vaccinated. I just don't want to go back to online because my kid did not handle it well. Not unless it's necessary and right now I don't think anybody in a position of authority says that we should close schools.
Yes, he's vaccinated. I'm advocating for better masks in schools instead of shutting down. Some people who are vaccinated still can get infected and some people can't be vaccinated. Masks are needed to protect people who aren't able to be vaccinated. I just don't want to go back to online because my kid did not handle it well. Not unless it's necessary and right now I don't think anybody in a position of authority says that we should close schools.
My daughter did okay online but she is doing much better in person. Let’s hope there are no breakouts sending our kids back online.
Yes, he's vaccinated. I'm advocating for better masks in schools instead of shutting down. Some people who are vaccinated still can get infected and some people can't be vaccinated. Masks are needed to protect people who aren't able to be vaccinated. I just don't want to go back to online because my kid did not handle it well. Not unless it's necessary and right now I don't think anybody in a position of authority says that we should close schools.
Masks are a white flag to a surprising number of our fellow citizens.
Masks are a white flag to a surprising number of our fellow citizens.
I've come to the conclusion that they are refusing to comply with a mask mandate because they need the mandate to come from a violent dictator before they will comply. You can explain it to them until the cows come home and deaf ears. They want to be forced and not reasoned with. Kind of sick if you ask me.
I've come to the conclusion that they are refusing to comply with a mask mandate because they need the mandate to come from a violent dictator before then will comply. You can explain it to them until the cows come home and deaf ears. They want to be forced and not reasoned with. Kind of sick if you ask me.
I’m not so young, so I never saw an insoluble conflict between freedom and discipline.

I think we are seeing the result of intelligence (not that man but his positioners) and ambition entirely in tempered by the civic impulse that was effectively instilled in my generation. Bummer, dig?