wilting after transplant please help


i had to move my plant to another location and i dug them out of the ground and re planted them in my back yard now that i am legal and two of my plants are wilting really bad when the sun is beating on them but when the sun goes down the are erect again is that a good sign what can i give them to develop fast root growth and speed up the transplant shock


Well-Known Member
do you not have any nutrients?

I almost always give my lady a little bit of nutrients right after I transplant/transfer into bigger container. It helps them recover a little faster/better.

As far as what exactly I give them.. its as follows:
- Bio-Root (root growth/development booster)

- Humic Acid (great for root growth/development and it also helps enrich the soil)

(don't over-do it though.. they won't need much. All nutes are organic btw)

I've never, not once.. ever had any transplanting problems. I think its mainly due to two things.. one being that I take my time and I treat my plant(s) like their gold.. or a new born baby. Two being the Bio-Root and Humic-Acid mixture that I feed them, not long after they are transplanted into their new containers.

Good luck man.

You should look into getting yourself the 'GO BOX' from 'General Organics'. Plants LOVE this shit.. absolutely love it.



yes i do i have been using worm castings and bat guano and for the transplant i have been using some lilly miller transplanting solution that has vitamin b1 in it. the reason why my big plant is wilting the worst i think is cuz i only ended up with about half of the root wad the other half broke apart im just hoping if i dont bother it it will come back