wilting/curling leafs


Active Member
Ok, so to explain my set up a little bit i have a 4x4 tent with a 600w aircooled light tent temps are between 65-75. the medium is 75% organic potting soil 25% fox farm agroponic medium. I got 6 clones of island sweet skunk and transpalnted them from the solo cups to the larger container 4 days ago, the top growth is now yellowing and the leafs are wilting, the plants received 6oz of general organics nutrient line dilluted 25% of recomended dosage. then 8oz of water and superthrive mixture.
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what did i do wrong?


Well-Known Member
Man do you ever check the ph balance? It sound like one of two things. A nitrogen deficiency or a PH problem. If the PH is not optimal the nutrients will not get to the plant and will cause the roots to start salting the plant.


Active Member
check your PH and flush your medium with plain water, ph b/t 6.2 and 6.8. It doesnt look like a defficiency but I could be wrong, Im no expert, A few others might chime in and offer some advice too. Also have you let them dry out at all? overwatering is just as bad as underwatering. The root system needs oxygen and they cant get it if they are flooded all the time. check out the sticky about moisture stress it says a lot.


yeah could be some overwatering + heat stress. Lo=wer leaves have a lil nute burn. Whats RH? u checking temp at plants hieghts, thats diff from tent temp. How far are lights away?


Active Member
yeah could be some overwatering + heat stress. Lo=wer leaves have a lil nute burn. Whats RH? u checking temp at plants hieghts, thats diff from tent temp. How far are lights away?
the rh is always between 30-45

the lights are about 20'' above plant tops, thermomiter is about the same highth as plant tops

the ph of the water with nutes was about 6.97 and run off the soil was 7.0


Active Member
Water ph and runoff dont show soil ph very well. I ran into that same problem. Go get a soil ph test kit, they are like 5$ and give you like 10 tests so you can check it once a month or so. I would also let them dry out quite a bit before you water again, over water is super easy to do just after you transplant because there is a lot more moisture than the plant could use in the soil. I didnt step up the container size gradually enough when i started and it took about a week to dry out the soil enough to require another watering. This also allowed the roots to stretch alot more as well. Ease up on the nutes to, it will take a few weeks to leech out all the nutes already in the soil.


Active Member
BTW Im growing Island Sweet Skunk right now too. It looks like im a few more weeks in right now. how far into veg right now. Im about a week away from flower and it already stinks near the closet haha my buddy gave me some herb from the same mother and it was dank. super heady sativa. good luck man.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Do not set plantpots on concrete or other surfaces that hold the cold. Set them on an insulated surface if the floor you're growing on isn't warm all the time. It is very difficult to overwater if your plantpot is set up with very good drainage. Overwatering often occurs with soils that hold moisture for very long periods at a time. Potplants do not like stagnated water. Poor drainage allows contaminants to build up in the plantpot as it is not so easily flushed out.


Ima have to say underwatered withe above info now. See ur top leaves if they were overwatered u wouldnt have the curling edges effect. Ive had plants look just like that then watered and next day back standing straight back up. u can run up to like 70% humidity. Pick up a 5dollar hydrometer and itll take away alot of probs.


Active Member
BTW Im growing Island Sweet Skunk right now too. It looks like im a few more weeks in right now. how far into veg right now. Im about a week away from flower and it already stinks near the closet haha my buddy gave me some herb from the same mother and it was dank. super heady sativa. good luck man.

Thanks for the help man, soil is drying out and girls look much more healthy. too much water was the problem for sure. I got the clones only 5 days ago now but id sat they have been vegging for a solid 3 weeks. Im gonna tie them back and do a little LST expermenting and veg for another few weeks. do you have any pictures of your grow ?



Active Member
ya there is a link to my grow journal in my signature. Check it out and you can have an idea of whats coming for ya. I had a problem with a magnesium deficiency a week or so ago but thats all cleared up now with a little epsom salt. I topped above the 4th node and got 4 colas that i then tied back to open up the canopy a bit.Its coming along pretty well so far.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering ,let medium dry get air to roots ,organic mixes can hold water.Also is that light hps as plants look a bit lankey.