Wilting droopy plants - Not over/underwatering!

sheik yerbouti

Active Member
Hey guys, have done extensive searches and tried a multitude of things to try and fix my problem but I'm stumped. My plants are droopy and wilted and I can not for the life of me figure out what the problem can be. I've been growing for a year now fairly successfully but still learning a lot and making mistakes, there is a lot to learn about this growing thing. I just expanded operations into a new room and am trying a different style, was doing a SOG stadium style and I now got my medical license so I'm going for larger plants.

My setup:

Soil grow - pro-mix hp with earthworm castings and dolomite lime
Feed - GH floranova grow, superthrive, am hydro supernova and dark energy, rhizotonic
PH - 6.5
600w bulbs
Temps - 25deg C (77ish deg Fahrenheit) humidity 25%

I've tested the run off out of the soil and that came out at 6.5. I have a soil moisture meter and I'm definitely letting the soil dry out enough. One thing I should note is that when the problem first arose the plants would perk up at night and then when I would check them in the morning they would be wilted. This made me assume it could be a humidity thing as I do have a fairly low humidity due the the dry conditions right now and I have a large room with few plants. I have been able to bring the humidity up a bit and its helped a little but they are definitely still wilting, however now they do not perk up at night anymore. I've recently flushed a few to see if that makes a difference. There is no visible signs that I can see of bugs or nutrient toxicities or deficiencies. I have noticed that my root growth from the start is not what it should be, they have been veging for 4 weeks now and I should see roots curling up through the bottom of the pots, I wonder if this could be a soil bound bug that is eating my roots causing a lack of water being absorbed up into the plants.

I am truly stumped and I hope that someone here can lead me in the right direction to get my babies back on track. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. The pics are form a week ago, the plants are looking even more dried out and wilted now. Really need to get these babies back on track.


sheik yerbouti

Active Member
So I have raised the humidity up to 35% - 40% and still having problems. I've attached a few pics of the plants after their nights cycle when they look good and a few picks of what they look like after the day cycle.

Any Idea's would be appreciated2012-10-06 13.59.15.jpg2012-10-06 13.59.23.jpg2012-10-06 13.59.42.jpg2012-10-07_16-17-07_2.jpg2012-10-07_16-17-10_198.jpg2012-10-07_16-17-31_268.jpg2012-10-07_16-17-43_214.jpg. I just have no idea what could cause the problem.


Active Member
Brother, they're fine. The drooping you see is a result of heavy waterbound leaves which is normal with a heavy nitrogen regiment. Nothing is wrong, and they look beautiful. Do not flush, and just keep it up. They may be fleshy, but they're indoor, well fed, and well watered. NO problems at all. An oscillating fan will help, but trust me, you just have some super healthy fleshy well kept plants. Gorgeous! PM me if you want to discuss this further, but Indica dominant plants do this when everything is going extremely well. It's similar to a pampered child; They may be soft and cushy, but they are happy and well provided for. Call if you want, 828-430-1483.

Good job, and good luck, they look amazing!



Active Member
Brother, they're fine. The drooping you see is a result of heavy waterbound leaves which is normal with a heavy nitrogen regiment. Nothing is wrong, and they look beautiful. Do not flush, and just keep it up. They may be fleshy, but they're indoor, well fed, and well watered. NO problems at all. An oscillating fan will help, but trust me, you just have some super healthy fleshy well kept plants. Gorgeous! PM me if you want to discuss this further, but Indica dominant plants do this when everything is going extremely well. It's similar to a pampered child; They may be soft and cushy, but they are happy and well provided for. Call if you want, 828-430-1483.

Good job, and good luck, they look amazing!


Very good to know GrnMn, I'm on my first grow, and mine do that every night about an hour before lights out. Then by morning they are back perky. I was worried at first I was doing something wrong. Good to know it means I'm actually doing things right. that makes me a bit happier.