Wilting in full sun.


Well-Known Member
Hey fam. Got a strange response from one of my plants in full sun. It falls over after half an hour.

I'm in the southern hemisphere. South Australia. It's cold here still. And I've had this one outside in the shade for at least 6 days now.

It's a mystery bean that's only a few weeks old. But had to move it outside due to the other plant taking up most of the grow space.

Is there any reason a young plant would respond negatively to being introduced to full sun?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes for very young plants that are not accustomed to direct sun, it can be a little overwhelming. I usually do a few hours at a time until they're "used to it." Kind of like hardening off a plant in the spring from indoors to outdoors. It's all about gradual exposure. Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
I know it's not the best time to put it outside. I just needed a place to put it. As my other two grow boxes are already occupied.

I've got it sitting under a glass dome in the shade. And it seems to be happy there. It just doesn't seem to like leaving that shaded area.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been letting it dry out. It gets a good watering and takes about those 4 days to start drying out enough.

I'll see what it does tomorrow.