wilting/leaves curling up *pics*

magilla gorilla

Well-Known Member
last night i took my 2 clones that were rooted from the cloning dome and transplanted them into my coco.
1 of them didn't even miss a beat and is healthy as a motherfucker but the other one is wilting severely and the leaves curling up. It started doing this pretty much straight after i transplanted it and this is a pic of it the morning after
Sick plant.jpg

any ideas what's wrong?


Well-Known Member
The only thought I can give is that the roots are really shocked. Although I've never had transplant shock or even know what it looks like but if I had to give a guess I'd say it looks like your plant. droopy leaves do mean its under/over watered though.


Well-Known Member
Looks like shock too me. Got any Superthrive? If so give a bit of it. Does wonders for shock relief. Or any other B-1 you may have.