Wilting Leaves?


Well-Known Member
So about 2 of the bottom fans on my plant are wilting, what is this from and what can I do to fix it? I just repoted it yesterday and water it, before that is was in a Styrofoam cup that it came with from a dispensary. What do I do?


Well-Known Member
uh pic's would help at the bottom of the plant? they die if thats what u mean dont worry about it


Well-Known Member
I will get pics in at least 2 hours, I am going to do some stuff but I will post them, please check back around 11:30 to help me.


Well-Known Member
hey norcal,

checked this post and your journal and have a couple of ideas.

since you just repotted it will take a day or two to adjust, especially since it was probably root bound in that little cup. make sure to let it dry out then water thouroughly until its flowing out the bottom. repeat every time its dry. you need to encourge the roots to spread out.

your lights may be 100 watt equivalents, which mean they are actually about 20 watts actual. you should be shooting for 75 watts actual per square ft of growing area.

how far away are your lights. you want them as close as you can get without burning.


Well-Known Member
I have my lights about 2-3 inches from the top of the plant. and since they cover four points it somewhat domes over the plant like an UPSIDEDOWN "U"


Well-Known Member
So should I not water it for a few days?
when you transplant the soil should be moist. then as the soil near the roots dry out the roots will expand thru the pot lookin for more water. add water when the pot is dry down several inches. usually you'll end up waterng every third day or so.