Wilting & Spotting

What Strain is it? Purple Kush and a Lemon Diesel
How Many Plants? 3
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Vegetative (6 inch in height, and the other 2 are currently 8 inches in height)
Indoor or Outdoor? Outdoor, if the weather's nice. Indoor, at night or otherwise.
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If Soil... What is in your Mix? Nature's Best Soil. Aged sawdust & bark, compost, potash, silica sand, loam and sand blended with a custom organic fertilizer mix consisting of kelp meal, fish bone meal, blood meal, alfalfa meal, micro and macro nutrients,... and bat guano. Also added "Plant Success" Mycorrhizal fungi for root development.
If Soil... What Size Pot? 2ft 3in round, 9in tall
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? Two lights. 24in in size, 75 watt. and 18in F15T8
Is it Air Cooled? Yes
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 65 - 75°F in room.
Any Pests? No
How Often are you Watering? Once a day or whenever needed
Size or Square Footage of Room? 3ft x 3.5ft (area in which the plants are located in the room) bordered with white poster board near the white wall. :b

One of the plants have wilted severely and is completely limp and lifeless looking and have light yellow speckles on all of the leaves. One of the leaves at the tip are shriveled and are brown/yellow at the tip. The rest of the plant is green and have no other problems it seems. After a while of being in the sun, it seems to have gotten worse.. :c
Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures or a digi cam. :/

What could be the cause of this? Any tips or suggestions?

This seemed to happen overnight after transplanting it to a bigger pot with the soil Nature's best. We also had a new light installed. But the other plants seem to be fine. One of the other plants started to wilt after putting it into the sun but it seems to be slowly progressing..

I'm thinking it could be possible of overwatering but I'm not so sure. We still have them in the sun and are getting plenty of fresh breezes, also poked a few holes in the soil. I'll wait to see how it progresses but tips and advice would be very appreciated.


I found a picture thanks to +GROWTH similar to what ours is doing:
:? -Any- suggestions would be nice. I am a new grower. ;b
I don't want the baby to die before I get any advice. :c

I am thinking it is a possible over-watering.
How long does the soil need to be dry before watering them again? Will having them in the dark help at all? Is it better to have them in light 24/7?
I have read a lot on growing, however, I like to hear from everyone personally with their experiences, as well.

Thanks! :)


Active Member
water every 2 -3 days bro, every day is abit too much, it should perk up in a couple of days, just have bigger intervals of watering, only time will tell.
Thanks man. It seemed to have gotten worse when I put it into the sun.. I brought her back inside and will keep her indoors. She seems very sensitive. The leaves feel almost leathery to a dry texture and some of the tips are shriveled almost to the point of crispy. It looks lifeless and very limp, only the stem seems to hold her up a bit. The branches and leaves itself are wilted-like. I have no idea why it happened like that overnight and I guess I'll just leave her alone for a day or so. I hope she does not get any worse. My other two plants are doing just fine, however. :S
The picture you posted, looks wilted... when did you water? How often?
The picture is an example since I don't have a cam myself. This is what it's doing yet it's worse now. They're somewhat leathery to a dried/wilted stage.

I've watered them once a couple days ago when it needed it (was very dry) and overnight they wilted and have been getting worse since. I'm not sure what to do for her.. Everything I've been researching points to overwatering/underwatering but she's not getting any better. Perhaps it's a root or soil problem?