

Hi all. I hope you can help me. This problem started about two weeks ago and has not changed much since.

First, let me start by saying that this is grown from shwag bag seed (could be bad genetics). I am also aware that it is male, but I am using it for practice. If it survives this slow death, I am going to quarantine it soon.

This is a soil, closet, cfl grow with 340 real watts in a 2 FT X 3FT area (.75 M SQ?).

I am pretty sure that I burned with too much nutes, and maybe heat from the bulbs. Also, althought this plant is young, I believe I overwatered when switching from veg to flower.

Over the past week, I have only had to water twice. I tested its dryness by the trusted finger poke method :roll:.

Does anyone have any other ideas?

The last picture is his sister, about two weeks into flower. She is also beginning to show the same signs.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much. :eyesmoke:

