Wilty White Widow

Alright soo this is my first grow (outdoor) and we had an early frost so I brought 2 plants indoors and now they're in different houses. My White Widow is losing all of it's leaves, and it started its budding phase just before the frost but has since lost all it's smell and is the buds stopped developing. It was put into a basement's cold storage room with a space heater, fan and a bunch of lamps and the poor condition worsened so we moved the plant upstairs in the dining room (sketchy much? it can actually be seen from the road...) Just wondering if anyone knows what could be wrong and how to fix it??
Thanks for your help!



Well-Known Member
What kind of nutrients are you giving/feeding? My initial reaction is it looks like phosphorous deficiency, but also looks like there are other issues as well; so truthfully... I'm highly uncertain. =P

I'll bump the thread though and maybe you'll get some better feedback from someone.


Well-Known Member
That you had to move it to avoid frost tells me that you planted it too late. That's the first thing wrong with it. It looks like the space heater might have warmed it up too much. The only other thing that comes to mind, if you had to dig it out of the ground, is you cut away some main roots. Your only chance here is if one of the more knowledgeable growers checks your string.
I'm feeding them bloom builder (5-30-5) about once a week?

Maybe planted a little late but not by much. All of august was shit weather and it froze at the end of August which is a lot earlier than normal. We also had a late frost in the spring so I did the best I could.


Well-Known Member
There's a product named White Widow that will help the roots heal up. I've never used it, but I read about it the other day. I was hoping one of the better growers would drop in on your string...Try reposting it with the title Help Please. That will get more attention.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
i'd just throw that shit out. waste of time broham. hate to be blundt, but unless your legal, that trash ain't worth going to jail over. it is quite damaged, and still in early flower. learn more about marijuana, and you will see that they are worthless. good luck.


Active Member
Im having a phosphorus def problem right now myself on my whiterhinos. My lower fan leaves look exactly the same as yours and there falling off each day with just the touch of my hand but the difference between mine and yours is my whole plant isnt wilted, actually the top of my plant looks fine its just my leaves are falling off one by one from the bottom up. What are you feeding them? How much/often? Also another idea is maybe there over watered or its a ph problem what kind of ph are they getting? Back a few months ago i killed 3 of my whiterhinos outside because i watered the shit out of them for a couple hots days and then it poured down rain for 4 days after that, when i went to check up on them acouple days after the rain stop they were all wilted like that with the lower leaves turning brown and droping. When i checked my pots they were full of water and my plants had to sit in them for 6 days before i got up to check them and they got killed. Just a couple ideas.