seems likley. leaves loosing too much water too fast and drying/dying
I had salt burn a couple of weeks ago which is what the burnt tips are from. Also, a but of nitrogen toxicity when it was young. Waxy look I'm not sure about.Very green, waxy look, burnt tips.
So what's your prognosis?
Holy Nitrogen Batman!
Doesn't sound like much of a prognosis to meLooks like you've had a ton of problems.
Over-Defoliation Technique
Hey everyone, So I had a go at the week 3 flower defoliation technique. For those of you who don't know this is where you remove every major fan leaf during week 3 of flower. Before you say I'm insane there are lots of people who use this method and achieve over 3+ lbs per light (look up...www.rollitup.orgBug Infestation - 99.99% cannot figure this out
Hey guys, First off, I think my title is hilarious. Second, I got some issues man (other than what my Gf says ;) ). I had a pretty bad gnat infestation a couple of days ago and I managed to get rid of most of them - drying soil and diatomaceous earth did it for the most part. Today I found a...www.rollitup.orgWhat Nutrient Issue is This!
Hey Guys, I am a little stuck on what this nutrient issue might be. It is mostly appearing on upper growth which makes me think it is somewhat immobile/immobile but it also kind of looks like potassium deficiency and those symptoms do not coincide with each other. The strain is barneys
Doesn't sound like much of a prognosis to me
Are you looking for answers or knowledge? If I ride the bike for you do you think you know how to ride?
Maybe lookup those issues and you'll get your answer and also maybe learn a few things getting there.
From the research I've done, it doesn't look toooo much like windburn but it's just so centralized around the intake fan. Have you had windburn before Snoopy?Not sure. Maybe? Not likely wind burn. Was this the first time its happened with a plant in that spot? There's other hidden things suggested by the picture of the leaf. But not of huge concern by the looks of the nugs.
If I make your pancakes does that mean you can't make crepes? If a crepe is thick does it still roll? If 3 + 4 is 7 what is 7 + 8?
Sounds like you got some soul searching to do buddy. Maybe we can do some zoom yoga together.