windburn without wind?


Active Member
hi all!
I've been a bad boy again and didn't put a fan on my plants...

...yet they show sign of windburn (looks a lot like it at least)
it's like a few leaves are cupping down. Especially on the thicker leading stems
it's quite surprising because not all leaves show this symptom, and even if one leaf do, sometimes, not all leaflets look like that
has someone ever managed to fix random clawing and knows what's up?
I flushed them like two days ago because of N toxicity but almost all sign of this is gone. Could this still be linked to the salt buildup I had?

Thanks in advance guys!
When I see wilting like....



And Anthracnose (fungus) forming around the leaf veins...


It usually caused by over watering, high humidity, and poor air circulation... you have got to get air circulating from the floor up through the canopy, and get your humidity in check, and stop watering so much!
No windburn. The clawing is from N toxicity.
that would make sense, it already got much better after flushing but it seems like I didn't flush EVERYTHING out
at least it does seem to get better with time and the leaves are flattening themselves out
it just looks sooo much like wind burn

When I see wilting and Anthracnose (fungus) forming around the leaf veins...
It usually caused by over watering, high humidity, and poor air circulation... you have got to get air circulating from the floor up through the canopy, and get your humidity in check, and stop watering so much!

I googled Anthracnose and my plants definetly don't have it. The leaves are completly green and have a nice luster to them. They really look very healthy other than the odd clawing leaflet here and there
Also I definitely have been culprit of overwatering, but not recently! I always wait till pots are light and don't feel glued to the floor.
my scrog net has a bit of wiggle room so that's very handy!

But you're right about the humidity and lack of breeze.
My humidity JUMPED when my plants got so massive during the stretch, so I think some defoliation later next week would help get the air a bit drier...

As for the wind, since then I added an ocillating fan on my canope and another one blowing air out of the box to try and lower the humidity
it sits at 70% rh right now I might drill a hole in my box and add an intake fan as well if it can help me with my temps and my rh