Window sill grow #1


If you want a stretched and spindly plant..........grow it in a windowsill.
I'm planning on dedicating part of my garage as a controlled room for a hydro system. But right now I'm just kind of getting familiar with the plant itself. I know its 2 completely diffrent types of growths. But I see window plants all over that do just fine. I had some old Jack Herrera seeds laying around and some potting soil.

So if I get stick plants I'm really not going to be too disappointed


Well-Known Member
My suggestion.

Do your homework.
Get your equipment.
And learn from an actual grow.

Doing this in the window will do nothing but bring you problems.


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma. Plenty of light
You need to consider the fact that the day light is short, it sits in a window which absolutely cannot get all the days direct sunlight. Notice I said direct.

It just the wrong time of year to be doing this. But good luck and please update the thread if you feel its going well.


Well-Known Member
Here's a window sill grow with a 23 watt daylight LED bulb in a regular lamp. I wouldn't flower like this, but it's a fun houseplant. If it's still alive next spring I'll put it outside. I have rooms, but this is my living room Green Crack.

I actually just did a little more super cropping to it last night. It's in a 1/2 gal pot with my organic soil.



Well-Known Member
Here's a window sill grow with a 23 watt daylight LED bulb in a regular lamp. I wouldn't flower like this, but it's a fun houseplant. If it's still alive next spring I'll put it outside. I have rooms, but this is my living room Green Crack.

I actually just did a little more super cropping to it last night. It's in a 1/2 gal pot with my organic soil.

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Thats fucking awesome. I need a weed house plant. Legit never considered it.