Window Weed showing sex after only one month?

ok so i have a little window grow going on right now. the two oldest and biggest plants are a little over a month old and about 6 inches tall. (now, i know how to do a proper grow and don't need you to tell me about light's and all that... i just don't have the money to run the electric bill up like that). conditions in my room are far from perfect... the only plus is that the window does face south... temp in my room around 60 (lower at night and can get up to 80 if the sun is shining real hard). Now my question is do you think that because of these "fall/autumn-like" conditions my plants could have skipped the veg stage and start showing their sex after only a month. btw this is my first grow... i have pics so u can kinda see what i'm talking about. now i'm not a total nube when it comes to this, i know what to look for and where to look for it; so, no-- i'm not looking at the stipules on the side of the stalk.
is this normal? am i just being stupid?
has this happened to anyone else? any thought's at all?



Well-Known Member
it could be possible being with cooler temps at night and not a long enough light cycle during the day. im not sure if its even begginning to flower, could be new leaf growth. get a magnifying glass and look at it closer