windy grow room


Is it ok to have 3 week old plants fluttering in a breeze all day to compensate for the warm weather? I've heard a breeze is good for the main stem but is there such a thing as too much? Could it make the plant hermi? :leaf:


Thanks, are you familiar with any symptoms of wind burn? They look healthy so far the biggest just popped a set of 5 leafs, one of the others has some minor upward curling of a couple leaves but that's all. :leaf:


New Member
erm not sure what that is

but wind burn looks in comparison to a carpet burn on a human . i have some curling on a couple of tips because she got a little burnt when i had my light to low .

double check your temperature be sure to take the reading from the top of your plants for an accurate measurement



Well-Known Member
Would you rather your plant spending it's energy building up nice, big, fat, strong, sturdy stems or nice, big, fat, dense, sticky buds?


It's three weeks in and I def want thick stems and buds. Thanks for the advice guys, I just made sure that I'm getting my ocelation on proper, its tough out here 84*-87* humid as hell, plants are still lookin healthy. Backed the lights up an inch or two. 1x 46wtt CFL flood, 2x 30wtt CFL floods, 3x 23wtt spirals all 24hr, 2 fans. Pics from 5min ago, its the biggest of 4. :leaf:

