Winter Greenhouse with autos?


Well-Known Member
I am curious to how well some autos would produce in a greenhouse through the winter. Im in North America Zone 6, so winters arent too terribly bad, at least the last few years havent been. Its heated, so Im not worried about the cold, but will the hours of daylight be enough for any production? I think it gets down to 9.5 hours by winter solstice. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
sure, weed can grow in most conditions, but as its a light loveing plant and Im not just talking light hours, Im also talking light intensity and color/kelvin, I would imagine you would get less yield with 9,5 hrs of blueish wake light, now if you some how could supplement it like in the big green houses with a HPS light I would imagine you could do pretty good..

also, if you have`t bought the seeds yet I would for sure do some research on witch strain that do best in norther climate ..


Well-Known Member
It will grow, but under only a few hours per day of low intensity light you won't expect much yield.
Run regular flowering strains in the winter and add supplemental lighting to extend your light hours to 12/12 and run autos during late spring/ early summer when they can take advantage of the extra hours of sunlight.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies!!! I figured the yields would be low. Running photos was the original plan, but I wasnt sure how autos would do. Im not wanting to run lights. Im trying to build a self-sustaining aquaponics system using as little energy as possible. Just a small pump for the water is all I was wanting to run. Its just for fun and yield is not a major concern. I may do both just to see how they turn out.


Well-Known Member
You are 'green' dude. Low energy / self-sustaining >> all that's good stuff. Keep up the good work and I think you'll enjoy the results! bongsmilie