Wiring Lights


Active Member
So, i have got light fixes, the kind you use for wall lighting (cant afford anything expensive, so not bothering with any special growing lights) and i need to know how to wire these up so they work on the mains socket? I'm pretty good with ye old soldering iron and wiring crap, but i'm just not sure how to go about this?

Cheers :joint:

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Connect the white to the white and the black to the black.

Generally speaking white is the neutral and black carries the current.

If you are working on a light fixture, you will notice one terminal is brass and one is silver. I connect the white to the silver and the black to the brass. If it is not a fixture and has wires dangling same thing, w/w and b/b, if there is a green it is for ground.

Are you trying to wire into an existing line or make yourself an 'extension cord' so to speak?


Active Member
I'm trying to wire the light to a plug, then plug that plug into a wall socket. Ive got the plug, cable and light fixture, i'm just not sure if i just wire it directly to the plug, and put a 3 amp fuse in the plug or something.


Active Member
i dont think you would need a fuse they sell wires at home depot that have the 3prong on 1 end and 3 open wires on the other for wiring up things all you would need to do like the other guy said is white with white and black with black and just cap off the ground and boom plug it in and your gravy