Wiring PC Fans to Cellphone Charger


hello everybody..my question is can i use a cellphone charger that has 5.1V Output to run 2 80mm fans or possibly 2 120mm fans?
i know usually the charger has to be 12v but i only has the ones that 5v


Well-Known Member
need to check the fan specs - did much the same thing, but the pc case fan i have needs 6v min, 12v max - so 5v could be a problem

Bobby Fuse

Active Member
No. I doubt it. What is the current (amps) out-put for the charger? what do your fans say they need? The best is to run more than one charger on the circuit wich is tricky than limit it by adding resistors. its complicated for someone who does not know anything about electronics/electricity.

if theres anything i know i know electric circuits..

it would probobly run if you connect it and give the fan a spin with your finger to jump start it, but it will not run at normal capacity and will eventually if not sooner than later mess up, same thing goes as when giving to much juice.


Active Member
just give it a shot. let us know if it works out for ya. We dont know what fans you have or the specs for that fan. we arent of much help, at worst you'll be out an old phone charger. lol