With a little help from our friends


Active Member
Sorry Guys its been really busy around here I have not had much time for an update. Right now we are in week 4 of flowering and managed to have 8 females and 1 hermy so we pulled it right away. As of now we also have a mother going strong. I rigged the box system to set up a drip for just the mother. We are using a custom soil mix with worm castings and it seems to be doing the trick. BCNL if you are reading this we are wondering if you have any information about pruning. We pruned in week 3 and were planning on doing it again in week 5 but should we constantly be doing it? And how should we go about it? We have been just pulling the shade leaves off here and there. Enough of me yapping here are some pictures!



Well-Known Member
Looking BEAUTIFUL! I know you asked somebody else, but IMO, I wouldn't trim/prune anymore during the flower cycle. This makes the plant want to replace those leaves. So it'll concentrate on veg. growth instead of focusing on flower development. Growth'll be stunted and overall flower production will be haulted. Just my opinion... KEEP IT GOIN!!! Check out my journal in my sig! ;)

Hound Dog

Active Member
Hell Yeah, they look beautiful!!! If you are going to prune anything, I would just trim off some of the lower spindly branches. Those are the ones that give you all of the shake. Pruning the lower weaker branches will increase the air flow around the plants and focus some of the growth into the upper, larger buds. These plants are pretty resilient you can prune them pretty good and they'll bounce right back.

I'm flowering a Mother plant right now that I took a shitload of cuttings from the day I threw it in the flowering chamber. She's as healthy as a thoroughbred horse at 7 out of 9 weeks of flowering. I've been pruning some of her lower weaker branches,so I can dry them out and have a little early smoke.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Sorry its been a while again! I am going to try to update every Saturday. Right now we are just starting week 6 of our 8 week flower cycle. We are also 2 weeks in on our newly planted mother. Our mother seems to be doing extremely well but our flower girls are starting to show some downward signs. First there seems to be something growing on some of the rock wool cubes. I am not really sure what it is or what i should do. I tried to show it as best as I could with the camera so let me know what you think! Also there seems to be some kind of film developing on the root systems. We change the reservoir every Saturday and otherwise just let it do its own thing. Let me know if there are any suggestions.
Happy blazing!



Well-Known Member
wow they look amazing i just bought a bloombox myself and i absolutly love it and havent used it yet, but it is a very nicely built machine and waiting to solve some temps and power problems before i start, ur plants look amazing, are u using CO2?


Active Member
Yea co2 started in the second week of flowering.
They seem to be coming right along!