With whom would u like to smoke....???

KMK, anyone from high times magazine, arnold schawrtzanager, cheech and chong, kurt cobain and thats all i can think of at this second
Erzsebet Bathory? I think you really haven't thought this through properly. She was a nutter who believed that by bathing in the blood of virgins she would remain ever young. You really believe that she would make a good smoking partner? Oh, and Jesus would most likely just steal your wallet.

I don't get the Jesus reference...

I'm a serial killer afficionado, from a purely scientific psychological perspective - I'm not a psychopath or anything:lol:

Yeah finding out what makes her tick, smoking out of a bubbling virgin blood bong in the tub, running around her castle torturing the servants, well, I've probably said too much :twisted:

Jim Morrison would probably puke on the bowl and pass out before you could get a good conversation going :?

"This is the END"
I could picture good ol Jim Morrison just laying there in a comotose state. I can't get it out of my head. thats some funny shit!!!!!!!!!!!
I could picture good ol Jim Morrison just laying there in a comotose state. I can't get it out of my head. thats some funny shit!!!!!!!!!!!


Loved the Doors in High School, my Father didn't. Asked him "why not"? He said that when he saw the Doors play as a kid (Hunter College, NY), Jim came on stage, mumbled into the mic and passed out... :roll:

Ever since, I always picture him like this moody drunken bastard :neutral:
LOL. I said Jim Morrison so that I could figure out what the fuck his lyrics mean... I read some of his poetry once and it didn't make any sense whatsoever.

Jesus... well let's not go there... but if you think about it I'm sure you'll figure it out. Plus didn't he speak Aramaic?

The sadistic Bathory too was a foriegner, Romania was it? I wrote something a few years ago about Vlad The Impaler, and she turned up amongst the research I did.

I used to be interested in Serial Killers myself until I discovered exactly what they really are, you see them every day, they may not have killed yet, they may never have the 'courage' to carry out their fantasies but they are everywhere. Usually men, and usually inadequate-feeling, sexually frustrated cowards. And yes it is possible to be frustrated when you are married.
Yes, they can be spookily normal.
Verve, are you from Kansas? You must have gotten quite a thrill when they got that BTK (bind, torture, kill) guy right in your back yard recently.
Definatly Jimi Hendrix, and than jamming with him and Mitch (His drummer) till the wee hours of the morning.

I wouldn't smoke weed with Jesus, but I would drop acid with him. Then we could sit there and argue for 12 hours about which one of us is really the son of god.
-Quintin Tarintino
-Kevin Smith
-Broken Lizards crew
-Kurt Cobain
-Everyone from Family Guy
-Elsiha Cuthbert ;)
def. Quintin Tarintino awesome director

He probably wouldn't appreciate you guys spelling his name wrong (Quentin Tarantino) but he used to be one of my idols, used to be as I've now killed them all.

Pulp Fiction was a masterpiece of film in it's day, also True Romance was a beautiful film. I didn't really rate Reservoir Dogs, it was like something an excited teenager would write.

So here's one guy I missed, yeah, it'd be nice to pick his brains. He strives for originality and I've got to respect that.
also........Andy Kaufman, jamie oliver (get him cooking the munchies......lol) and yeah, I agree with mogie, that Kanadian Tommy Chong
would be fun to smoke up with also.....
Verve, are you from Kansas? You must have gotten quite a thrill when they got that BTK (bind, torture, kill) guy right in your back yard recently.

Not from originally, moved here to finish a degree. But my girlfriend was very excited about that when they caught him.

We recently rented the BTK movie (made for TV i think). It was the worst thing ever, I stopped it after 5 minutes and scratched the disk so no one else would have to relive its horribleness...
ok I have figures out some more people. the dalai lama, jesus and muhammad (I think they would eventually get into a fist fight though), peter from the family guy (i love to smoke with stupid people), the pillsbury doughboy (just to push on his stomach and say 'make me some cresant rolls bitch'), einstein (so let me undeerstand this, e=mc^2 is actaully a formula for higher thc levels in plants), and roger moore and sean connery (who is the best 007)
Willie Nelson, jesus, george carlin, dave chapelle, Leonardo Divinci, Jack Black, Fry and Bender (Futurama),`and Snoop Dogg