Withdrawal symptons of weed


Well-Known Member
Humboldt, I used to get really nice seeds from Humboldt CA a long time ago, before I ever had withdraw symptoms from anything that I willingly injested. They were nice Jamaican Spears seeds, HCWC was their company name, but I think they are defunct now, maybe had to "withdraw" from the business when the 1st Bush was fuckin' president, withdrawing from that dude himself was nasty, I puked from Bush withdraw.


Active Member
withdrawal.... theres a difference btwn psychological and physical dependance, i think part of the "withdrawal" has to do with a life style change, i quit all the time , no symptoms, but im the first to admit lifes just a little more boring/annoying not baked......but i wouldnt really call that withdrawal . Also anything in excess can cause problems, even drinking water in excess can give you water intoxication/ hyperhydration and water poisoning...i dont know about you guys but water seems pretty helpless to me

mr j2

Well-Known Member
i get a little more anxious and people all seem a lot more annoying. I think i have a harder time concentrating too since i spend the time just wishing i was stoned haha


Well-Known Member
i smoked my last bowl last night...and i only have 1 withdrawl symtpom: i need another bowl...im drunk working on homework for college


Well-Known Member
Yea i usually just get pissed that I dont have another bowl and as a result of that I get really moody. Its whatever though, just don't talk to me if you know im outta herbs.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I have smoked for 25 years. Started when I was 13, now I'm 38 and I have quit for weeks and months at a time for lack of funds or lack of good weed. I stopped for 4 years when I was in the army cuz the test so randomly and often. I get real moody for a week or so then I'm fine.


Well-Known Member
damn a week haha. I will usually just call up a friend to chill and bum smokes here and there until i got the dough ya dig?


Well-Known Member
I also have suffered from withdrawls. I am also a heavy smoker and will smoke everyday. When I have been without for more that 2-3days I do notice symtoms. I get grumpy and have a hard time falling asleep but not too bad. The most profound symtom is the DREAMS, crazy detailed vivid dreams some nightmares even. I usually dont even remeber dreams at all.

Now I have seen people withdraw from Alcohol and its not a pretty thing at all! They had suck bad shakes they couldnt hold a pencil, He would have seizures and got their drivers license taken away because of it. He also lost his job as a firefighter after many failed attemts at rehab, He would pass out out of the blue and smash thier face of the ground. This person actually ended up dieing due to his Alcoholizm at the age of 55. its a very sad thing, he was a nice man
No if all I get from pot is a little irritable and crazy dreams I am fine with that.


Well-Known Member
but im the first to admit lifes just a little more boring/annoying not baked
I totally agree with you. While sober it feels like time is standing dead still, and the reality of things surrounding me seems dull.


Well-Known Member
damn I have smoked at least every 48 hours for the last 6 years. I always want to quit for a while but i can never bring myself to do it.

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
I just read the first post..

4 - 7 grams a day?

Thats a lot really.

I might go through a 20 bag a day, but definitely not an 1/8 +.

My withdrawls are usually accompanied by scraping a pipe and a little irritability.
Passes in a couple days.
Then I'll go a few weeks or months without.

Rack the Fresh-Baked feeling after a nice hiatus :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
IDK, i don remeber ever having withdrawel symptoms from skunk. all that happens is i eat alot more and i want a spliff lol


Well-Known Member
;) i allways have something to smoke, i couldnt say i dont have a day without a joint...

And that puking thing is because your use to pullin so much smoke down, no smoke there make you feel "puke style"


Well-Known Member
That is strange with the puking; I sympathize with you folks. Ive been smoking for 14 years and when I take a break or dont have any I am just wired. I am full of energy and I still sleep good at night. Hope the best for you guys.