Withdrawing cash, any advice?


Well-Known Member
I'm about to withdraw three grand in cash from a 4.5 grand financial aid check I recently deposited in my checking account. Will this amount raise any flags? What amounts have you guys withdrawn, or have you? $10k+ is federally required to be reported, however, couldn't the tellers report sums less than that (like three grand)?

Even sober I feel strongly as though the feds are loosely monitoring my behavior, just waiting for me to pop up my 4x8 tent and plant my seeds before they come knocking on my door with a warrant (or even without).
I'd have over 100k right now, if i could remember where i burried those mayonaise jars

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i think more important is why your spending 3k of your financial aid?
The thing is, I'm not taking advantage of tax-funded federal aid. The bill for this semester's tuition was due before I could obtain my check because of pending paperwork needed by the financial aid office. Thus, I had to pay from my checking account. If all had gone as it should have, the check would've gone to tuition and I'd be paying for my grow op with my money directly.


Well-Known Member
Ferret explained that it isn't federal funds he is spending but money he has been reimbursed for his out of pocket tuition costs. I have no problem with that.

Although in his original post he did not make that clear so i called him out on it.
IF your NOT buying an AK-47 and ammo with your Financial Aid, You are Wasting MY TAX DOLLARS! now get out there and find yourself a nice Ruger