Wk. 6 of flowering...FINALLY got some pictures...diagnosis help?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've recently had some problems with my babies. I changed my 400W MH to a 1000W HPS. The tips of some of the fan leaves started burning, so I moved the light about 2 feet further away from the plants. I haven't really seen any more burning occur, but the leaves seem unnaturally droopy, and I feel that I have a deficiency of some sort. I took a couple of the leaves into my local hydro shop, and they said it was probably a Calcium/Magnesium deficiency. I picked up some Cal Mag (and Gravity as an extra), and added the recommended amount to their water tonight. I got some pictures, and this is what I'm working with. Any input on problems/solutions is greatly appreciated! :leaf:



im no pro so Im just putting my two sense in.... I know on the strain im growing the big fan leaves/ water leaves willstart drooping at 6 weeks and die off during the 7th week of flower .this is the natural way tthe plant "matures" .. all energy is going to finish the fruit . mine finish around 56 days though.. Ide leach and refert with low N and a pure phosphuros plus the calmag supple.... What ppms do you feed it.. Im usually at around 1000 around the 6th week .. peace ( that strain i was talkimg about is Green Crack )


Well-Known Member
I'm using 800PPM of the Sensi Bloom, and 1 tsp/gal with the Cal Mag. Also added 1/4tsp/gal of the Gravity. I want to agree with you on the fan leaf idea, because the biggest leaves look the worst, medium fan leaves look pretty shitty but not horrible, and the smaller newer leaves look healthy. I want to be sure that I'm not overlooking something, however. Thank you for your input holayall, I appreciate it!