WNY / Southern Ontario PESTS LIST

Hello all! :peace:

Short question-

Please list any pests I could encounter in WNY / Southern Ontario, as well as any preventions / cures.

Long description-

First time grower here with an ambitious start. I got seeds for 7 outdoor plants from a shop in TO, grew em, sex'd em, cloned em, and planted about 250 plants outside during the last 2 weeks. They aren't all together, maybe 15 in a spot being the most, I am not overly worried about man, they are pretty well blended in, and in a good spot. I am worried about creatures or other kinds. I haven't yet seen any insects, but would love to know what to expect. I HAVE been attacked by mammals already. About half the plants had 5 gallon holes painfully dug for them and filled with BLACK GOLD potting soil. (This was a HUGE mistake; something in black gold attracts diggers, lol). However, due to how long it took to dig all these holes the soil sat for more than a week and was “fully inspected by the area creatures” before the plants came.

I would just love to have an idea of what to expect pest wise, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Juan Valdez

Active Member
Everything and anything eats weed plants in WNY! I have soda cans around the trunks, started with 2 liter bottles over that, plus garlic sprays and 2' tall chicken wire cages around the whole thing! Somehow, chipmunks I think, have still been chewing the fuckers down or somethin? When I show up to my plants I always expect them to be eaten, it helps with the disappointment I might be in for, and if i see a nice tree growin i'm that much more stoked! Thats about all I can tell ya, do everything ya possibly can and expect NOTHING! This way if you only harvest a couple plants you'll still be happy.

As far as a list I've dealt with these before : DEER, slugs, snails, catapillers, leaf hoppers, fungus gnats, chipmunks, rabbits, DEER, gopher/groundhog/beaver whatever the fuck the are, insects that I couldnt determine exactlley what they were, they ate small holes everywhere? The worst besides DEER has to be late september/early october mold, bud rot, botrysis etc..... Like I said just do everything " preventative" that you can and dont keep your fingers crossed throuoght spring/summer/fall , cause if shit does'nt " pan out" .....your gonna have one hell of a depressing winter!

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
i have some rabbits and they are little thief bastards! they take half branches off and just leave them a few feet away. my dogs have already chased them many times when i let them out to pee, and have caught and killed 2, yet even with these predators around (and the smell of their urine everywhere), the rabbits still haven't moved to a neighbor's property. i don't really know what to do with them. fucking rabbit potheads...