Woman beat with pipe by McDonald's cashier faces permanent brain damage


Well-Known Member
i added the women in an attempt to be pc i guess it didnt work, point still stands though. from what i understand there was selective breading in slaves.but ther was also selective breading in germany back in the day also.and you dont see germans dominating the sports scene.
Pope Benidict dominates and he was a Nazi youth- Yeah there were German super athleets, but you have to figure there selective breeding programs only took place during a short period of time, not many generations, Plus when you figure in natural selection- poor areas and third world countrys will have only the strongest survive and reproduce. This is part of the illuminatis new new world order plan- they bombard us with pollution and chemicals so that only the strongest can survive- there beefing up our genetics

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Pope Benidict dominates and he was a Nazi youth- Yeah there were German super athleets, but you have to figure there selective breeding programs only took place during a short period of time, not many generations, Plus when you figure in natural selection- poor areas and third world countrys will have only the strongest survive and reproduce. This is part of the illuminatis new new world order plan- they bombard us with pollution and chemicals so that only the strongest can survive- there beefing up our genetics
new new new world order plan?

daniel cardenas

Active Member
but wouldnt it be counter productive to make other meaning not there genetics stronger i thought they considered themselves apart from the rest . we are the masses why would they want that stronger.


Well-Known Member
I mean an appology would have been more warranted than a dopey uh huh but imma accept that as a "I see I spoke upon something I am clueless about ...whooops"
Stop talking shit. You made a statement that is completely untrue and I called you on it.

Oh wait, I hope you aren't black, because if you are, then I should probably apologize, what with black people being so tough and all. :roll:


Well-Known Member
new new new world order plan?
New, new world order plan, Different from the old new world order plan
but wouldnt it be counter productive to make other meaning not there genetics stronger i thought they considered themselves apart from the rest . we are the masses why would they want that stronger.
This is how they justify there own and their familys exposure to these programs like chemtrails- it may make them sick or some of there own sick, but over generations those that remain will be stronger, just like how they imbreed, sure it screws some of them up but others end up super smart. There plan is a mulit generational plan so they look beyond themselves. They plan on getting rid of most of us and they want the ones they keep to be as healthy with as few problems as possible so were more effecient and cost effective. They also don't our week genetics to muddy there elite gene pool, they also limit there exposure through hepa filters for there air and by eating better food. The idea is that there will be a seperation between the week sick genes and the elite disease resistand genes and then they will know who to keep as part of the 500,000,000 thats why there running genetics testing on people and collecting there blood and requiring your doctors to give your medical records to the government as part of the new "healthcare" plan- it's so they know who has the gene mutations.


Well-Known Member
Stop talking shit. You made a statement that is completely untrue and I called you on it.

Oh wait, I hope you aren't black, because if you are, then I should probably apologize, what with black people being so tough and all. :roll:
im white :)


New Member
New, new world order plan, Different from the old new world order plan

This is how they justify there own and their familys exposure to these programs like chemtrails- it may make them sick or some of there own sick, but over generations those that remain will be stronger, just like how they imbreed, sure it screws some of them up but others end up super smart. There plan is a mulit generational plan so they look beyond themselves. They plan on getting rid of most of us and they want the ones they keep to be as healthy with as few problems as possible so were more effecient and cost effective. They also don't our week genetics to muddy there elite gene pool, they also limit there exposure through hepa filters for there air and by eating better food. The idea is that there will be a seperation between the week sick genes and the elite disease resistand genes and then they will know who to keep as part of the 500,000,000 thats why there running genetics testing on people and collecting there blood and requiring your doctors to give your medical records to the government as part of the new "healthcare" plan- it's so they know who has the gene mutations.


#1 on list is 500,000,000 population.. there's 6,000,000,000+ now... disease and war... AIDS, with holding Cancer cure?? Leper colonies in Louisiana..


New Member
Yea man...I mean beating defenseless women, children or weak men is wrong... but serving ANY aggressor with ANY tactic is ok in my opinion.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
"beat a woman" Wasn't that "woman" screaming do something pussy? Then she jumped the counter? Then that pussy did something...whats the problem? I mean it aint BK, but she got HER way.
its the double standard that is set for women, you cant hit em even when they jump the counter with a friend,to try and beat your ass

he defended himself, with force thats his only crime, hope he has a good lawyer

what do you expect when you chase a dude down, he gonna stop, let them beat him up because a little ol fragile women might get hurt, brain damage pretty sure she was bat shit before now her outward character matches her subconscious . . . . .

lmao, this is not the 40's the genders are equal always have been

how does the golden rule go. . . .. , treat others as you would have them treat you . . . . . ..


Well-Known Member
I'm actually glad that he's not getting in any trouble...bitch deserved it.

It's not like she was just minding her own business....she was wylin like a crazy bitch. I would have beat her with a pole too


Well-Known Member
nice bro... thats exactly right...you come into my freaking living room and want to fuck up my bong sesh... you will catch major hell...
My state extends it onto your car and your workplace also. They pushed it through the same time they did a concealed carry law.

Now we're legal to carry concealed AND shoot you if you fuck with us.