Women and children fir......no, he/she who is fittest to live is first.


New Member
You guys are bigger, stronger and pushier. No wonder you take all the good seats.

'Shotgun! Window seat' do you guys say that too?
Winter Woman, I do like your posts. But let me give you a little insight..........

Man or woman, when a human being is in distress and in fear of their life, they will do what it takes to survive. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GENDER.

So you're thinking is, because I am of a different sex, I must forfeit my life for you? So, would you say it's the same circumstance if a woman who is a foot taller than you takes your seat? Another female female who is obviously stronger than you, should die because you are physically weaker than she?

I believe that as humans we should ALL fight for each others' survival, and for you to pick on a gender for being able to survive, well, that just tells me, you'd take one look at me and put your palm in my face while I was gasping for air under water. I also believe, in order to survive, the fittest should remain. Sorry you don't feel the same way.

And let me tell you, I know quite a few females who ever so gladly watch a man die in order to make it to their next salon appointment on time. I also know many females who hate prissy little females who would fight side-by-side with me in a war. Who's side are you on Winter Woman?

I know who's seat I am taking now, and I will not feel guilty for doing it. Sorry, you will lose that battle.


Ursus marijanus
"Gender" is a grammatical term. Words (particularly in languages other than English) have genders. Living things have sexes. cn


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;c1igX5ZBl_E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1igX5ZBl_E&feature=results_video&playnext =1&list=PL07329084EBDA480F[/video]

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I think it should be all the short, little people first you can fit more in the boat that way you can save more lives

Ahoy, midgets and very small children first!

You are take things too seriously. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I also think a gender is when you have way too many beers and wake up next to a goat. "Fuck a bender bro, let's drink til we're on a gender."


Active Member
Winter Woman, I do like your posts. But let me give you a little insight..........

Man or woman, when a human being is in distress and in fear of their life, they will do what it takes to survive. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GENDER.

So you're thinking is, because I am of a different sex, I must forfeit my life for you? So, would you say it's the same circumstance if a woman who is a foot taller than you takes your seat? Another female female who is obviously stronger than you, should die because you are physically weaker than she?

I believe that as humans we should ALL fight for each others' survival, and for you to pick on a gender for being able to survive, well, that just tells me, you'd take one look at me and put your palm in my face while I was gasping for air under water. I also believe, in order to survive, the fittest should remain. Sorry you don't feel the same way.

And let me tell you, I know quite a few females who ever so gladly watch a man die in order to make it to their next salon appointment on time. I also know many females who hate prissy little females who would fight side-by-side with me in a war. Who's side are you on Winter Woman?

I know who's seat I am taking now, and I will not feel guilty for doing it. Sorry, you will lose that battle.

WOW I just don't know where to begin with this SPEW.... so I guess I just won't...

what a dick...:rolleyes:


New Member
I think it should be all the short, little people first you can fit more in the boat that way you can save more lives

Ahoy, midgets and very small children first!

You are take things too seriously. :peace:

Really, too seriously? You yourself just made a post about how men are pigs for saving their own lives. I want you to tell me, why should I die because I am physically stronger? MORE IMPORTANTLY, WOULD YOU SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT ANOTHER FEMALE THAT IS STRONGER THAN YOU? Should she die because she beats you physically?


Well-Known Member
Yeah feminists want men to treat them "equally" but at the same time they want to be babied. Funny double standard :dunce:


Ursus marijanus
I think it should be all the short, little people first you can fit more in the boat that way you can save more lives

Ahoy, midgets and very small children first!

You are take things too seriously. :peace:
Special consideration should be given to the very dense as well ... they're farthest from buoyancy. cn


Active Member
Women and children first on boats.. Men can swim to shore. If you can't swim to shore, thats your problem.


Pickle Queen
Women and children first on boats.. Men can swim to shore. If you can't swim to shore, thats your problem.
Finaly a manly man !! yum !! :)
Put me on the life boat and i'll hold onto 2 men, i got 2 arms ;)
Yikes thread like this explain why im 30 and still looking for a husband lmfao

And to everyone else, a man who wont give his life for his women is a pure coward, do men not get we risk our life and body to give them children, and will often die to protect those children, heaven forbid u give a lady a seat, wow this mentality is what is wrong with society, a gentleman always offeres a lady his seat, even if she's some crazy bull dyke, men are the stronger sex (women accept this, it's just how we're built) I swear in 20 yrs this world will be full of selfish assholes that refuse to hold doors because they might be respecting someone ;) Omg how old are the men complaining about this, i'm stunned and think everyone should be time warped back into 1950 when ladies wore dresses and wanted to be pretty not sluts, fuck i hate society sometimes lmfao
End rant-

See everyone April is Back!!!


Well-Known Member
no life is worth any more than any other, human or insect, a life is a life and it is arrogant to think that anyone has the place to decide which is more important. I value my friends and families lives above my own, and would gladly without hesitation die in their place. Death is the beginning, rebirth is the inevitability of life, you are eternal and will never die, as is with every other living thing.
Love one and another, we are all brothers and sisters, Dont allow maya to blind you, we are all suffering the conditions of Kaliyuga together.

Jai Shri Krsna

