wonder berry x cannalope haze


Well-Known Member
So i found powdery mildew on some leaves after 4 days straight of rain. I read that baking soda works against it well but i was wondering if it will mess up the ph of the leaves and burn them. Another treatment i saw was with sulphur but the label of the product i saw says not to use within 21 days of applying horticultural oils and i applied neem 5 days ago but would assume it got washed off in the rain. What would the rollitup community do to fix the problem?????


Well-Known Member
I decided to spray with a mix of milk and neem to fight the p.m. The buds seemed to double in size this week.



Well-Known Member
thieves. this town is too fuckin small someone is getting hurt. i hope that weed was worth 70000 in medical bills


Well-Known Member
Or im sorry to say this. You probably feel as if you compromised your grow by telling us some what where it is. Its all good though sorry for your loss. :-(


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that wordz. take that into consideration for next season. oh and if you do happen to catch the dickless pieces of shit let us know how it goes, i'd love to hear a good story. peace