Wonder Woman from Nirvana

Hey so Wonderwoman grow is obviously closed. Total yield was 50 grams, just shy of 2oz. Considering initial stunted growth, significant crowding, incorrect PHs, and probably a major lack of dissolved oxygen... Id say it went very well. My buds were a looser density with clear evidence of a headie or chronic quality. Aside from being slightly leafy, the bud still smells and tastes good. Im not too sure about the strain, but for $40 or $50 bucks... It wasnt a complete ripp off. Obviously there are better genetics, but I dont have a single bad thing to say about Nirvana's Wonderwoman. Ya... my buds arent flawless but I putt them threw hell and I still ended up impressing myself~!

I'll update my Grape Soda grow via this thread however Ill be starting a new thread for future strains. Questions, comments, concerns, advice, or hate? Post away xD
I'd say new thread for the Grape Soda, but of course I could change the name to "Wonder Woman from Nirvana and now Grape Soda"