I already have an airstone connected to an airpump dude, got it going through one of the 7 holes, and taped up so no light/heat gets in there.
So it would be possible to plant the jiffy pellet, (with net) into the aero basket and into a hole? No rot is going to occur in the pellet? Of course it won't be submerged in water, but hopefully half the roots from it are in water when the time comes- I'm pretty sure the net being 1 inch away from water is enough clearance for roots to be aired and wattered.
Gots a connie chung in paper towel, if the aero sponges get here before it germs and needs planting then I can just scrap my jiffy pellet idea
Oh yeah and how jiffy pellets work, their little disks of enriches dirt (i believe) with a net around them, you soak them in water for 5, 10 minutes and they expand, usually your supposed to pull the net off and plant them into a soil mix, but I seeing as it would be harmful and probably impossible to pull it out with it's roots and plant into a sponge (with its roots) I'll just have to keep it in it's net and stuck in the aero hole/basket as a hydro medium