wondering how much i should smoke

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Trust me, getting "too high" is a nice problem to have, wish I could still get to that point, now it just seems like I hit a plateau after smoking a lot.:hump:


Well-Known Member
ive been trying a spliff experiment after reading this thread; rolling cigarettes with varying ratios of tobacco/weed from 50/50 to 25/75 and 10/90. i was disgussted at first but how many people? a whole country smoke his way, so it cant be all that bad. i was willing to try it because (a) i was interested by what i read on riu and (b) i owe someone mony for all this weed i have so i didnt want to smoke it all up and (c) i refuse to buy cigarettes now when there so close to $10 a pack so ive been buming them and rolling a few here and there. honestly ill say it is a good concervation method and the moor weed you add the better a rollie tastes. so i was appaled at first and changed my oppinion over two days. if you add only a little tobacco a spliff is not repulsing nor dose it ruin the weed. i even thought of taking the filter paper from a cigarette (after removing the cotton) and attaching it to a fat perfectly round spliff, so i could get away with smoking in public
Why wouldn't you just un-pack a cig(massage the tobacco out by rolling it between your fingers) and re-pack it with a mixture of weed/tobacco? Seems a little easier:)


Well-Known Member
i did that one time when i had nothing to smoke out of. it dosnt burn well and i wouldnt filter weed smoke, thats why i think the paper from around a filter would be ideal and descreet


Active Member
I started out with a small "bat" hitter and only took one or two small hits and then waited. I usually shared with a friend or two, so since we were beginning smokers, it was just the right amount. If you start smoking more often, you may get used to the total loss of senses thing and like it, but maybe not! I also waited to smoke until I could just let go and get as chilled out as the weed would let me get. Unfortunately this made it so I couldn't smoke as much as I would have liked, but I think I'm making up for lost time. Arrange your stuff on a table near you so it's convenient when you're sober and easy to find when you're fucked up.

Good luck experimenting!!