wondering if I really screwed up....

My girl is about three weeks into flower and coming along very nicely. At week one of flowering I topped the plant and it recovered to sprout TWO main colas. The bigger of the two was probably about a gram wet. I really wanted to sample some as the trichs are looking crazy. I know everyone says not too, but seeing as I am just experimenting and not trying to really grow ALOT of pot I went ahead and snipped the bigger of the two main colas, dried it, and smoked it. It was very dense and dried to about one good bowl (1/4 to 1/2 gram). I have to say I was surprised at HOW STRONG this stuff was. It makes me really anxious for the rest to finish but I am worried now that I may have screwed the plant up. Smaller buds are developing very slowly, even though they get plenty of light. The remaining cola is still bulking up but the hairs are turning red at a much more rapid rate. Should I let it keep going? I know once the hairs on the bud are about 70% turned in color they should be ripe but the buds are all still smaller than a gram each. Please help!


Active Member
Keep it going and try not to chop off anymore :-) At 3 weeks she's way too immature to smoke but hey, we've all done it in the past! Wont do any harm though, will take some of the vigour out of her as she recovers and things will begin to move again. Be patient and let nature do its job and it will reward you as those buds will get stronger yet as they mature. Don't get anxious about the pistils changing colour sometimes this starts early and can indeed be triggered by chopping buds too soon but give her another 5/6 weeks and then see the difference. You wont regret it.

Hope this help.


Well-Known Member
At 3 weeks into flowering, it's not even close to being finished, no matter how many of the pistils have turned. It's creeping up on the halfway point(8-9 weeks strains), and hopefully, is about to produce a second set of pistils.(commonly, they 'stall' at about this point, then go through another growth spurt) I'm hoping you haven't been pollinated by a hermie hiding somewhere, because a sudden browning of pistils, is the first sign. Let's hope that's not the case, but worth checking out. I'd take a nice close look, if I were you. And, if they stop filling out, it's likely that you have a hermie lurking somewhere, yet to be discovered. Best of luck. :)
Wow thanks alot guys your incite is invaluable. Luckily no males or hermies are around as she is the ONLY plant in this pot out on my patio. So no pollination should happen and I should have some nice seedless bud. I will refrain from touching it anymore and just let it grow, I already have one clone recovering from this plant and I hope it takes as the weed look really good. I know shes too immature to smoke but I shit you not I got REALLY stoned, a head high of course but long lasting and intense! took these pics a minute ago. :) Thanks again! As you can see this is the ONLY plant I have currently, it is my first grow, and I am just trying to learn to grow GOOD bud right now. The two bamboo shoots are holding the two bigger fan leaves towards the sun (if anyone is wondering). When you stick your nose up to this thing it smells like a bag of fruit loops. LOL

oh and the reason it is not in the CENTER of the pot is because I started with five plants, all others either died or were male and got yanked out immediately. She started flowering AFTER all other plants were removed. Also, you can't see them in the pics but underneath the main cola there are about 8 more bud sites with buds about half the size of that one but very dense. I know she is short in stature but hopefully potent.
The color change could be attributed to the massive stress...

Haha of course everyone always gets the highest off the stuff they grow themselves, but three weeks into flowering is pretty ridiculous. I'm guessing (but pretty sure at the same time) this wasn't even dried and cured.

I'm not hating though man, that's what I love about growing right there. It just shows how much more satisfying it really is to smoke what you grew yourself. At least you went into this knowing that you were experimenting, but you should let the rest of the plant go until at least around eight weeks (without more specifics). You'll be much happier with it overall, good luck man!
For sure man! No offense taken, I will have you know the bud was flash dried (chopped up and placed in a drawer for about 4 hours, no heat or light, it was small enough that it dried quickly, so not NEAR as potent as it would have been if I cured it properly i know) I know WET weed is not psychoactive... I will surely just let the plant continue to grow as it LOVES the sunlight here in texas....Which is also why I think bud production is a bit slow, we had a WHOLE week of cloudy weather last week. Sunny today though so I am letting it get a full 12 of direct sunlight then back into the darkness.....thanks again for the help!


New Member
i know what they are i wanted to see if he did i think he is thinking trics are the hairs like so many others do and i did when i first started lol
Hey guys sorry been out all day but yeah I knew the trichs are the little clear mushroom shaped cups on the buds that look like crystals, you have to look at them with a magnifying glass. They are all still clear so i know they need some time, gonna try to harvest the lower ones when they are milky/whitish color and then the big one on top after its amber colored. Thanks for the comments! Dude relentless that plant on your avatar pic is UNGODLY, nice job. I just started a small indoor grow box in my patio closet that should be suitable for a plant about the size of the one you have in that pic. Got a 100w cfl in there with it. Three babies right now coming up, two sets of leaves on them each, so we will see how they go, they seem to be growing super fast under that light and its like 2 inches above them, if any are female she will be the guinea pig....lol.