wondering what I could do with this stuff


New Member
I have a big tote full of 99% isopropyl alchol and sea salt that I use to clean my peaces i was wondering if there are any uses for this liquid before i go dumping it out I have cleaned a lot of pieces with it so its like a deep brown color
evap it in a dish on a hot plate or with a fan... smoke the remainder or make edibles with it. chances are its garbage though.


New Member
Is it gonna be garbage all the built up resin it alit of pieces went through this thing lol nice reclaim is that what it should look like if I just sift the salt and stuff into a strainer


Well-Known Member
Soooooo, the question is what was used in your pieces???

If it was combustion, I would suggest pitching the alcohol, though I have recovered that and worse. Unfortunately, they contain carcinogenic byproducts of pyrolysis, besides tasting like hammered shit.

I offer the following tongue in cheek process that works slick, but leaves the extract still tasting like an ash tray without further processing with activated charcoal. http://skunkpharmresearch.com/getting-the-green-and-waxes-out-afterwards/

If your pieces were all vapor pipes, I suggest just pouring off and filtering the alcohol and evaporating it away like a conventional QWISO extract.

It won't have any monoterpene flavors, but will make a fine sleep med.