Well-Known Member
You asked the question, I simply answered. The fact you may not like the answer isn't my fault. I didn't pass the COBRA B.S. That's how out of touch with reality our govt. is and yet we have sooooooo many who want to expand it?COBRA?
Been in that situation years ago.
Trying to pay for insurance at 1100 a month and living on unemployment
Doesnt work out
The reality is there are options available to people who find themselves in these situations. Having a spouse pick up coverage is a good option, provided you have one and they have coverage available at their work. If you served, you may be eligible for VA bennies. Free clinics, while not glamorous, they are certainly out there and have many not only competent, but highly skilled doctors. I'm not saying losing a job isn't traumatic, I've been there. To suddenly find your livelihood taken from you through no fault of your own can be devastating, but people survive it all the time. It does help to have some sort of plan in place should something of this sort happen, and it probably WILL HAPPEN!