Won't be on for a while


Well-Known Member
Been in that situation years ago.
Trying to pay for insurance at 1100 a month and living on unemployment

Doesnt work out
You asked the question, I simply answered.;-) The fact you may not like the answer isn't my fault. I didn't pass the COBRA B.S. That's how out of touch with reality our govt. is and yet we have sooooooo many who want to expand it? :?

The reality is there are options available to people who find themselves in these situations. Having a spouse pick up coverage is a good option, provided you have one and they have coverage available at their work. If you served, you may be eligible for VA bennies. Free clinics, while not glamorous, they are certainly out there and have many not only competent, but highly skilled doctors. I'm not saying losing a job isn't traumatic, I've been there. To suddenly find your livelihood taken from you through no fault of your own can be devastating, but people survive it all the time. It does help to have some sort of plan in place should something of this sort happen, and it probably WILL HAPPEN! :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear, nodrama. I still feel lucky that my recent infection did not get that bad
, it was pretty brutal. Wishing you a warm thanksgiving and speedy recovery.


New Member
To suddenly find your livelihood taken from you through no fault of your own can be devastating, but people survive it all the time. It does help to have some sort of plan in place should something of this sort happen, and it probably WILL HAPPEN! :cuss:
And guess what
a lot of people dont survive it

Because I had insurance I am Alive today becuase of a simple infection that started in a cut between my toes. If it wasnt for insurance I wouldnt have gone to the Clinic to have it looked at when my leg swoll up. If I had waited Another day till it got even worse I would of been dead. The anti biotics they infusd in me over 2 days thru an IV cost 1200 bucks a gram

It was called rocephin. Its probably a lot more now


Well-Known Member
Oh, that cat that beat me up and gave me the infection ran away 2 days after :cuss: on the positive side, the wife is gonna find me a new lap cat for christahannukah.


Well-Known Member
And guess what
a lot of people dont survive it

Because I had insurance I am Alive today becuase of a simple infection that started in a cut between my toes. If it wasnt for insurance I wouldnt have gone to the Clinic to have it looked at when my leg swoll up. If I had waited Another day till it got even worse I would of been dead. The anti biotics they infusd in me over 2 days thru an IV cost 1200 bucks a gram

It was called rocephin. Its probably a lot more now
Again, sorry about your misfortune, but you're being a bit presumptuous don't you think? Maybe you would've died, maybe not. Maybe you would've gotten great treatment at a free clinic, maybe they would've done a hatchet job on you and you would've died instantly from the trauma! lol! Had you died, whose fault would it have been had you decided to wait? You don't wait to seek medical help simply because you don't have insurance. Especially with something serious like an infection. It's highly unlikely you would've been left to die on the curb for lack of an ability to pay. You may have died because YOU chose not to seek care though.:shock:


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong on this or it may vary by state, but if you rack up thousands of dollars in medical bills, can't you simply not pay them? My best friend on this earth and his family have been without insurance for about 4 years. They have had several trips to the emergency room as well as multiple visits to various doctors over that time. They don't have the ability to pay, so they don't. They don't have any assets that can be seized (not sure they could be seized if they did have any) and they have no intention of filing for bankruptcy.

Everything has been turned over to collection agencies and their credit rating has dropped substantially. As far as I can see, that's the end of it... that's as bad as it gets? Bad credit rating? So why is the typical argument by supporters of socialized medicine always about families losing everything? My friend isn't losing anything, except the ability to get a low interest loan, which he couldn't afford to take out anyways. And credit scores are fairly easy to improve (first hand experience). I would think that most people without insurance are in fairly similar situations as my friend. What am I missing here?


Well-Known Member
As bad as it gets?
The rest of is including tax payers get stuck with your freinds bills
That would happen in a collective system as well. One way or the other it's gonna get paid for, either in higher medical costs or higher taxation, but you didn't answer my question.