has anyone been watching this show on spike channel called the ink master since we're talking tatt's??
it's a pretty cool show, they have about, idk, 10 or so artists from around the us competing for $100k, each week they have different styles that they have to do on people..
i think the last one was black and grey, they did a tribal show, one to show line work, etc etc.. pretty cool show imo, and it's cool to see who's the most well rounded tattoist of the bunch..
i have my ideas of who might win the show overall, i think it's going to be this guy johnny, or one other guy i forget his name atm, but i'm sure time will tell..
and ps urca, cool tatt, looks great, this guy on the ink master just fucked one up pretty badly on the show, which is why i originally brought up the show, not trying to hi jack or anything..