Word of advice. Do not watch COPs


Well-Known Member
So I am sitting here enjoying a smoke, watching some tv and COPs comes on. The first fucking thing they show is a kid with maybe an O of weed in the car. Officer says he is pulling him over because the lights on his license plate are red and green.

The officer then says, "I smell Marijuana" and proceeds to treat the kid like a dangerous criminal.

That shit just pisses me off.

It's like what the fuck do they teach cops in the academy about MJ? Do they just tell them, it is illegal, and therefor anyone in possession of, or smells like they have had MJ around them is then considered a dangerous person?

God Now I need a big hit to calm my ass down.

Sorry for the rant. Had to get that off my chest.


Well-Known Member
I'm always surprised by how easily most of those people consent to a search. One fun thing to do when watching cops; every time they say "marijuana" replace it with the phrase "safest plant on earth". Really starts to hit home how ridiculous they sound.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
yeah it sucks

u would think they had better things to do like find meth and other drugs

but u shouldent smoke and drive be smart u could cause an accident


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Although it has been proven that most are able to drive just fine, if not better when high on weed.
However it is better to not chance it in the first place. If you do fuck up while driving while high, then your just fucked.


Well-Known Member
but do they know that kids history? even when they run the license plates..NO im not supporting cops but you gotta treat everyone the same when doing routine stops huhh cuz maybe he could of had a glock or knife ...ive seen episodes of ppl having throwed ass shit on them but being busted for minor stuff like a 20 sack of bud


Well-Known Member
+ have you seen the episode of the cop asking the kid if he would allow his pilot to fly a plane while being high


Well-Known Member
Good lord, I have never met a pot head that would lash out like that. Pretty stupid to freak out over something that in most states would land you a fine.

If I was asked that question about allowing the pilot to fly while high. I would pose the question. Well can he fly high or can't he? Although that would still make me nervous haha. So probably not lol. A plane is a big ass step up from a car. Driving for me is like auto pilot anyway. A plane has quite a bit more to think about, and pay attention to.

Gah!, sorry I am baked. I get talkative when I'm lit lol.


Well-Known Member
If I was asked that question about allowing the pilot to fly while high. I would pose the question. Well can he fly high or can't he? Although that would still make me nervous haha. So probably not lol. A plane is a big ass step up from a car. Driving for me is like auto pilot anyway. A plane has quite a bit more to think about, and pay attention to.

Gah!, sorry I am baked. I get talkative when I'm lit lol.
yeah its not like you can pull over if you dont like the way the pilot is flying.


I was watching cops pig show once and saw a philipino kid get pulled over by pigs and they found a gram on him. the pig started smelling it and laughing and said "this is some good ass herb!" then he took out his cuffs....
poor philipino kid

It's like what the fuck do they teach cops in the academy about MJ? Do they just tell them, it is illegal, and therefor anyone in possession of, or smells like they have had MJ around them is then considered a dangerous person?
Pigs are specially trained to detect MJ
This is what they teach all pigs in the academy about MJ
Their tatics on detecting MJ are not to be underestimated!!!!!


Active Member
I was watching cops pig show once and saw a philipino kid get pulled over by pigs and they found a gram on him. the pig started smelling it and laughing and said "this is some good ass herb!" then he took out his cuffs....
poor philipino kid

Pigs are specially trained to detect MJ
This is what they teach all pigs in the academy about MJ
Their tatics on detecting MJ are not to be underestimated!!!!!
omg thats funny shit