Words that are hard to say while blazed

So I was high last night with my Fiance and we were experimenting which are the hardest words to say when you are blazed. I found that technological was one of the hardest words to say its a huge tongue twister for me.

What about anyone else? Is there anything that you find hard to say while blazed?

Shit ur avatar is cool!
I like to sprinkle that hard cheese on my pizza.........and for the life of me I cant say Parmesan pass the parmeeeshun cheese is how it comes out.

Fucking cracked me up with the spanish orly owl... hahahahahahah... laughed so hard nice +rep
red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry
And you don;t even have to be japanese.
i had no trouble with that at all. try this one: say "toy boat" 5 times fast. anyone who says they did it fast on the first try is a liar.

I did it easy, but its not really my first time, i took theater speech classes and they make you say tons of tounge twisters and otherthings to better your pronunciation while on stage.