working refridge.. as grow box..


Active Member
going to try this and see wat happens if it doesnt work as planned i unplug and ad take off the cooling device and change it to exhaust and ad an intake and be allset.. but im thiunkin if i take this fridge put it on the lowest setting it stays around 50 degrees F .. so with a 400watt mh.. im thinking it mite hold up at about 80-90. with a small exhaust an intake.. we will see wat happens lol deff going to let u know.. this is just going to be used for clones and seeds.. freezer will be turned off and have 6 50 watt cfls. .. seedlings and clones.. and veg in fridgerator spot .. hoping temps will stay decent.. i have the other 2 1 veg 1 flower.. butttt i wana have alot of new 4 or 5 diff strains.. 2 or 3 females of each ..


Well-Known Member
You might run into humidity/condensation problems and the compressor could burn up after a month or two of continuous use.

Subbed! I hope it works. You might even be able to grow some nasty purple buds if you could maintain low temps.


Active Member
I think with proper air flow it would work great, but i agree with assasin, you may wind up turning it off due to humidity. Only a trial run will tell, please let us know what works!! Thanks man!! Good Luck!!


Active Member
ok.. so this is it.. ive got to rig up a computer to it . .so when the humidity gets to high it turns on a dehumidifier.. that i have taken apart.. and gotta jimmy rig it in there somewere???


Active Member
or just run the dehumidifier on a timer.. once a day to get the humidity to stay at a good spot... and it would increase the heat also...... not sure .. i have a bunch of shit that we were gettin rid of . fridge dehumidifier.. and a couple other cool things i could turn into a new little setup