Working with landraces


Well-Known Member
SO, I'm curious if anyone here has fallen down the same rabbit hole as me.
I am old enough to remember a multitude of experiences with different sorts of cannabis before the beginning of modern breeding programs.
I had older brothers and sisters, a brother over ten years older than me, so I was in the middle of things.
I remember Thai stick. I held it in my hands, fresh off the Navy ships in Little Creek, Va. I was allowed to peel the wispy buds of the stick, carefully unwinding the hemp fiber it was tied with.
I remember Panama Red.
I remember the Colombian Red that came a decade after, to fill the hole left when the Panama Red went missing.
I remember the Acapulco Gold, The original Colombian (which became Colombian Red), Various Mexican varieties that came and went.
I saw Maui Wowie when it first hit Norfolk, Va in a sailor's pocket transferred from the Pacific Fleet.
I saw blocks of hash, of various vintages, and later the plants themselves, grown from seed acquired in Middle Eastern ports. Afghanis, Hindu Kush, Pakistanis.

So, when the 'Hydro' started showing up, of course I was interested.
I even learned how they did it, and grew hydro myself, with seeds acquired from Marc Emery, before he got extradited and locked up in American jails.
I bought Afghani #1, Sativa #1, and later THC Bomb, Crystal, lots of Mango, granddaddy purple, trainwreck, the original White Widow.

It was a different plant. I could make more money, but it wasn't the same.

So, now, that's all behind me, I grow for survival. My medical needs are orphaned, meaning not presently studied by medical science. Cannabis provides relief for me in ways I have no substitute for.
But I am keenly aware that what I smoked as a kid is what I need now.

So, I am working a breeding project.
Has anyone here worked at recreating a version of Skunk#1?
I have all the landraces that originally went into it. (Central and South America, Afghanistan and Thailand)
They were NOT carefully chosen, because they could not have known what Skunk #1 would become.
But working retroactively, I hope to be able to return to that cornucopia of flavors and tastes that were bred out of cannabis when they industry was in hiding.
I am looking for, and expect to find, that a wide spectrum of cannabinoids were bred out of cannabis over a 50 year period.
If you think about how many strains are based upon the very same genetics if you go back far enough, it is no surprise why the New Killer Strains, if you look closely enough, link back to recent landrace injections into old genetics....
So, anyone else embarking upon recreating the Ark?
And here is what I think I can do 'better':
"As a matter of fact, most seed companies invest in breeding programs aimed at selecting superior female plants, while male plants are deriving from the standard morphological analysis: an individual male is then used as a pollen donor in crosses performed with each of the female clones to produce commercial hybrid seed stocks. These seeds, which do not have the genetic constitution of F1 hybrids, are then widely distributed and grown to maturity so that female plants can be selected and multiplied by cuttings to achieve commercial sinsemilla production. "

I can take the time to choose an outstanding MALE as well!