That's great guys. I appreciate the support for a Hempy sub-section.
I had considered the 'petition' but on reflection I'm not sure it's the way to go. I think it might get the websites administrators backs up; which could lead them to dig their heels in. If we are to achieve our aim, I believe the best way would be through quiet persuasion and respectful charm. We all love RIU; so we need to work with them.
Please let me know ANYONE if this sounds dumb but - I think the Hempy growers here on RIU have an opportunity to unite and to create a bit of an online community here and attract more people to RIU and to Hempy growing.
A dedicated thread could be the difference between someone uploading their pics and sharing their technique or just remaining an internet spectator (which is ok too)

OK OK ... I'm probably preaching to the converted so i'll shut-up (for now). ... Mods do view this thread so maybe they'll consider the idea more. In the mean-while we're all going to our thing and grow fantastic ganja the Hempy way.
If anyone has ideas for another Hempy related thread it could show the admin that theres something behind this Hempy thing. I dunno ...