World Of Hempy

Thanks again Moe, I'm glad to see your doing well also, your a celebrity around these parts with this WOH thread. I will keep in touch and post a few pics this run. I switched to 3 gal hempys . I only run 24 plants now.

Thanks Mountainboy thats a really nice thing to say.

I think the celebrity is our WoH thread and its contributors though. .... My faith has been restored in internet forums with this thread, the guys here have been so helpful and generous with their methods and advice. Every now and again I take some time out and WoH continues on just fine, its a great thing. :mrgreen:
Recent pics of my girls, roughly 2 weeks old now.. just topped a few of them yesterday but they should bounce back pretty quickly. They're going into pure coco/chunky perlite bottom 2.5g hempys in about a week, then I'm gonna veg them for 1-2 more weeks after, small short little bushes is what im aiming for.

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Wayy of subject but shit... flexible screens by samsung.. shit just got real

So as it turns out, one of the Qrazy trains I have may be male :/ To keep things positive, I was thinking of cutting another couple clones of the Plushberry and Qrazy Train female and setting up a 3 some. I would hate to lose the genetics of the Plushberry because it is seriously one powerful stone!
Cali, nice setup. Keep an eye on those black rubber reducers for me ok...600w lamps generate some heat there. If you ever smell anything weird...replace them with sheet metal versions. Just looking out for you hempy brother.

Last run i had no problem, their rated for high heat so i shouldn't have any problems with them in the future, am i allowed to post some amazing music? :D

Recent pics of my girls, roughly 2 weeks old now.. just topped a few of them yesterday but they should bounce back pretty quickly. They're going into pure coco/chunky perlite bottom 2.5g hempys in about a week, then I'm gonna veg them for 1-2 more weeks after, small short little bushes is what im aiming for.

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Yooooo man those plants are looking nice and healthy! Such a nice lush green color!
Cali, nice setup. Keep an eye on those black rubber reducers for me ok...600w lamps generate some heat there. If you ever smell anything weird...replace them with sheet metal versions. Just looking out for you hempy brother.
I'd be looking for a way to consolidate that hanging equipment too. It looks like there's too much going on there, maybe moving the fan outside the tent could open up some possibilities. I always try to envision the shortest, straightest duct runs.
Just wanted to add a pic of the pheno I was talking about re-finding (fingers crossed)!!!

Those were the originals!! And this next pic was last seasons find after popping some sister beans :)
I'd be looking for a way to consolidate that hanging equipment too. It looks like there's too much going on there, maybe moving the fan outside the tent could open up some possibilities. I always try to envision the shortest, straightest duct runs.

Well the fans hooked up to the carbon filter, not much i can do there really.. the airflow is good enough anyway.. good temps ect.

Filter > Fan > Muffler > Hood > vent
At WOH, not only do we grow some of the finest medicine, some of us are also active musicians. It would be nice to gauge everyone's musical taste as I'm sure it differs. I started playing the piano at the young age of 8. My teacher was this old woman Matilda that would make me play all the classical stuff and all I wanted to learn how to play was the intro to Hill Street Blues. Well, I achieved my goal and started to realize that I really had an ear for music.

I then proceeded to the drums by 10 and had mastered some serious rolls and tricks. The beat is what I craved, but as I grew into my teens, the sounds of Metallica, Pearl Jam, and grunge really took over. This is around the time I started catching my first buzz from the urb. Being the hard worker that I was, I saved up all my cash to buy a Fender strat made in mexico, a 20amp Crate (needed a 12" woofer), and various pedals where I would finally get the Digitech RP355.

As I went into my 20's, my musical tastes had slightly changed. I craved more funk and more beats and started DJ'ing. Melding songs together in an electronic musical symphony. It was exciting because of the rush you'd get carry the energy from one song to the next. It was hard to not stop dancing when you just felt the groove and transitioned to something truly inspiring.

I have the best of both worlds in my life. My guitars and my decks. Depending on my mood I switch back and forth and can rock the both of them! Was thinking of even making some tracks soon where I could blend them both. It would be nice to hear other inspiring musical stories from those at WOH. I'll leave you all with something special. Nothing beats a funky bassline with some fender blues. God, I love that sound!!!!!

Wow Shaggin those are beautiful fucking plants man its a shame you lost them and Moebius I'm not sure how complicated the extraction process of DMT is, i downloaded a pdf a while back on it and it seemed pretty complicated to me then again i never took any chemistry classes in high school lol. Anyways i found this article a while back and wasn't sure if you might be interested, i don't know how hard it is to source one of those frogs but it sure sounds a lot less dangerous and easier than extracting chemically, you might also consider Ayahuasca, indigenous tribes of America have been making it for thousands of years so it cant be to hard.’t-lick-this-frog…-smoke-it/875

Anyways ways on to my grow it looks like i have officially fucked up on my hempy grow for the first time, that didn't take to long, i opened up my grow room to find my blue cheese pretty burnt up, im not sure if it is nutrient burn or light burn, so i would appreciate any info you guys could offer there are more pics in my thread. The temps were in check and the light was about 3 feet from the plants so im thinking its probably nutrient burn. unfortunately i retard-idly used the recommended dosage for cuttings against myself and Shaggins better judgment lol, the blue cheese was a very fussy plant threw out its entire life so i am thinking i possibly just confirmed which was which by accident.

tbh Psilcybin, t me it looked like they where setup in a wrong environment.

It was always going to be touch and go with those cuttings but they needed t be in much smaller containers until growth started again. ... The light needed to be diffuse and weak until the roots had really established well and humidity needed to be high because you had so few leafs. .... also very weak (1/8) if any nutrients.

Its all good though, everyones had some failures. Ive had tons and its how I learn.

I don't know if I could have brought it on in perlite. ... an easier option for small budded clones would have been soil. :peace: Usually soil has the mix of micros that such a delicate clone needs.
Hmm i see i just figured they would be better off in there under the big light than in my veg cab which has been getting up to 100F, the blue cheese pictured above actually has a pretty decent root structure but hadn't grown that much top side, and the White Russian has a much smaller root structure and no fan leaves, i didnt even think about the humidity issue, diffusing the light, i hope plants live i really don't want to lose this White Russian.
Anyways ways on to my grow it looks like i have officially fucked up on my hempy grow for the first time, that didn't take to long, i opened up my grow room to find my blue cheese pretty burnt up, im not sure if it is nutrient burn or light burn, so i would appreciate any info you guys could offer there are more pics in my thread. The temps were in check and the light was about 3 feet from the plants so im thinking its probably nutrient burn. unfortunately i retard-idly used the recommended dosage for cuttings against myself and Shaggins better judgment lol, the blue cheese was a very fussy plant threw out its entire life so i am thinking i possibly just confirmed which was which by accident.

They aren't at a complete loss. Do this - Transplant them back to cups asap!!! No Nutes, Just ph'd to 6.0 or as close as possible with some superthrive if you have it. Keep them in your big room but turn off the big light and hang your cfls, if you still have the wiring available, about 6-10" above each clipping. Use your screen to hold the cups if they will fit. Your enviro in your big room is better than your veg room, for now. Leave them till you see new growth. Can't rush a re-veg, it will never work!! Also unplug your big fan, that closet won't get hot from just 2-4 cfls, but keep an eye on it also. Don't want it to cold neither. Mist them if needed. Peace :)

Sorry man, I messed up also and didn't give you eno info. I actually didn't mean for you to start feeding them this early on. My clippings didn't get any nutes for 2 weeks, just water. I gave them a super light dose of 1 ml M/G/B each to 1 gal. Then went back to just plain water. From what I read, wait 2 weeks min before giving them any nutes at all, but I could b wrong.
They aren't at a complete loss. Do this - Transplant them back to cups asap!!! No Nutes, Just ph'd to 6.0 or as close as possible with some superthrive if you have it. Keep them in your big room but turn off the big light and hang your cfls, if you still have the wiring available, about 6-10" above each clipping. Use your screen to hold the cups if they will fit. Your enviro in your big room is better than your veg room, for now. Leave them till you see new growth. Can't rush a re-veg, it will never work!! Also unplug your big fan, that closet won't get hot from just 2-4 cfls, but keep an eye on it also. Don't want it to cold neither. Peace :)

agreed, but they are on life support.

I believe 'Mother soil' will give them the best shot.

... whats amazing is that even in that clone the tiny buds have bundles of differentiated cells waiting to become either leaves or more bud or even roots. They just need the specific environment to start turning to leaf.

This is an unrelated pic of a rooting leaf. (online pic / not mine)

First time I heard of rooting a leaf, I was like "ya right", not happening. Much to my surprise the damn thing grew a root lol. Gotta love mother nature and the will for things to survive!!!
First time I heard of rooting a leaf, I was like "ya right", not happening. Much to my surprise the damn thing grew a root lol. Gotta love mother nature and the will for things to survive!!!

proof of stem cells in the leaf .... i think