World Of Hempy


Active Member
I'm not sure where the gods gift came from. My buddies caregiver gave him a few clones. All I know is he's had it for years along with his Snowdawg. I haven't weaseled any of that out of him yet. Lol. He's never mentioned any hermie problems, but thanks for the heads up. I'll watch her close.


Well-Known Member
Hey Hempyneers. Awesome updates to your grows guys! Stevie that blackjack looks outstanding. I'm at day 53 of flower in my coffee can mainline grow. Things are starting to swell up and ripen, looking to harvest in the next couple weeks. Will give them one last blast of the dry koolbloom and start my final flush over the next 10-20 days.

Delicious seeds Black Russian (mainlined for 8.)

World of Seeds Mazar x Great White Shark (mainlined for 6)

World of Seeds Northern Lights x Skunk (mainlined for 4)



Well-Known Member
Its possible WATT you are a skilled grower. However it's much better to leave some bud on the plant as that's where it grows new shoots...there are some branch nodes there though so worth a sHot if it's something you really want to keep. If you don't replant and take some roots off when you water it will stagnate and you could get some rot as the plant doesn't really drink while it's shocked. A good N dose after replant helps out..after that I wouldn't fertilize until I saw growth going.

Very nice colas you have there my dude! I'd reP ya if it let me....what kinda rifle you got there?
That's my old 30.6 It was made same yr I was born 57. Still shoots straight and will drop an elk.

I don't plan on re-vegging, I was just trying to yang your chain. But it's good to know, to leave some lower bud sites if I do need to re-veg in the future.


Well-Known Member
Is there a major diff between dry and liquid koolbloom? i purchased the liquid with the flora series...
Yes there is a major difference between the 2. The liquid is used as P/K boost, during wks 4 & 5 for fattening, and the powder is really hot, and is supposed to be ripening agent. I only use it once and that's right before flushing. I've tried to use the powder during the fattening phase, and I always burned the girls a little more than I liked. I went through a bottle of the liquid some time back and its much more gentle on the girls. I prefer to use powders, so I now use Cha-Ching. The powders have a better shelf life and aren't affected by hi temps like many liquid nutes.


Well-Known Member
so i reckon you mix this powder with water, then ph up or down, and add as normal, or with all your nutes?

So the liquid will pack on the buds, and the powder will ripen that same bud later on is that right?


Well-Known Member
FJB, I use the liquid koolbloom at 2.5-5mL from about day 18 of flower and usually use it right up till my final flush. This is the first time I've used the dry and it is recommended to be used the last week before flushing. My buddy uses it the last 2 weeks with good results. I started off with an 1/8 tsp per gallon and worked up to 1/4 tsp this last week. It is really powerful stuff and increasing to 1/4 tsp really showed up in tip burn. It is really easy to overfert with this powder as it is really concentrated. Like Watts said the powder shelf life is a long time, and the dose is so small, this bag will last me an eternity.

Who, I always feed with every watering, flushing every 21 or so days.

MrE, the tallest plant the B. Russian is about 18-22" tall, the shortest the Maz is about 14-17. Like you I run a small cab about 22" wide by 34"long by 34" high. I usually scrog and will do so in the future, I only use a 250w HPS so light penetration is not sufficient for "tall" plants. My screens are usually set at 5-7" above the buckets so my plants are usually much shorter and spread out horizontally. I am going to incorporate the mainline training in my next scrog though.


Well-Known Member
so i reckon you mix this powder with water, then ph up or down, and add as normal, or with all your nutes?

So the liquid will pack on the buds, and the powder will ripen that same bud later on is that right?
Yep the liquid is for bulking and the powder is for ripening, but will add some size too. Both are meant to be used with your regular nute regimen, just start low and monitor before going full dose.


Well-Known Member
I guess I didn't really make it clear that both the liquid and dry koolbloom should be added with your regular nutes. I use the 3 part and usually add the micro 1st, followed by grow if in veg or bloom if in flower, florablend, cal/mag, koolbloom, ph down.


Well-Known Member
When did you start to notice nute burn ? what percentage was that doage compared to what they recommend, i believe you said 1/8 then 1/4 tsb, its on the other page lol...

when do you start giving nutes in you plants using the 3 part? so you dont use all 3 at once as the package i have recommends? just the micro/grow in veg, and micro/bloom in flower? follower by liquid koolbloom, then the koolbloom powder in the last week, maybe 2 then flushhh...

sorry i just smoke some sour and you know how fast ya mind moves from that lol feel like i can't think of everything im thinking of at once lol.... make sense? to many thoughts and questions lol hopefully i make sense:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
When did you start to notice nute burn ? what percentage was that doage compared to what they recommend, i believe you said 1/8 then 1/4 tsb, its on the other page lol...

when do you start giving nutes in you plants using the 3 part? so you dont use all 3 at once as the package i have recommends? just the micro/grow in veg, and micro/bloom in flower? follower by liquid koolbloom, then the koolbloom powder in the last week, maybe 2 then flushhh...

sorry i just smoke some sour and you know how fast ya mind moves from that lol feel like i can't think of everything im thinking of at once lol.... make sense? to many thoughts and questions lol hopefully i make sense:mrgreen:
Ya I didn't make that very clear there, happens when you get to leave work early and partake on the way home. I use all 3 parts throughout the grow until the last few weeks when I cut out Part 1 Grow. What I meant to say was that when in veg I add the grow before the bloom, and when in flower I add the bloom before the grow. I'm sure it doesn't make any difference as long as you add the micro first. Just the way I was taught and old habits die hard. And both koolblooms are meant to be used on top of your 3 part, just maybe adjust your 3 part strength down the first couple of times you add koolbloom, then monitor them and adjust higher or lower from there.

As far as the overferting, when I bumped up the liquid koolbloom to 5mL per gallon around week 5 I had some tip burn. Then again when I bumped up the dry koolbloom to 1/4 teaspoon. Wasn't too major, mainly the fan leaf tips, the Maz x GWS was effected most.


Well-Known Member
from what i've heard most people dont use the grow, just the micro + bloom, cause the micro is already high enough in N. Just what i've heard though. :)


Active Member
Stone thanks for the explanation, I had been using it every 2 or 3rd feeding...Power that is, I use dyna grow gro for veg, triflex for bloom as well as cal/mag, I rotate the triflex for the kool bloom, one feeding of plain water in between., So it kool bloom powder and cal mag, then water, cal mag, then triflex cal mag, seems to be working for me...


Well-Known Member
This is what i use. But this time i used grow to almost "week 8". Just to try.
Snowcap day 30.
Hope yall are having a great day. I was at the doctors to get answer from my mr scan. Turns out i got Patello Femoral Syndrome. Not so common my age.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I use just bloom and micro with no I'll effects. In fact aside from a random Epsom salt and a PK boost that's all that I use.

from what i've heard most people dont use the grow, just the micro + bloom, cause the micro is already high enough in N. Just what i've heard though. :)

Seedlings just about ready to start LST on but I'm kinda stuck on whether to start LST while in solo cups..I know my roots aren't even near filling the cups yet though.

Here are the first signs of reveg going that the stasis is over I expect rapid veg growth to commence. It's a bit hard to,see what I'm showing here..basically individual nodes are starting to grow out and away from the bud cluster and will turn into branches ..the rest of the old growth will continue withering up and fall off or be pruned.

A few little leaves coming out too. null_zps5d3c5660.jpg


Well-Known Member
Small World Hydro...I have patellofemoral too from years of hiking and downhill skiing (I'm sure manual labor from age 14 didn't help). I hope that your pain isn't too bad in your knees. Honestly though aside from pain the only real problem it gives me is my knees wanting to give out on me at times. Good luck with it and beautiful plants.


Well-Known Member
Wow yeah it is a small world! Im learning to deal with the pain. But its early and i have already lost 2cm worth of muscle right above the knee. My knee seems to overstretch sometimes and the pain is unbelievable so i try not to use it but that just worsens it. Thanks for sharing. Do you take any kind of pain meds? Other that cannabis :)