World Of Hempy

i wanted to do this method for a while, i will try 1 to start and see how goes it. currently i do 12/12 fs but i am just starting to clone again now and i am going to do 12/12 from clone but i love the watering schedule with the hempy method i keep reading about.

is it viable 12/12 fs in a hempy?

is there a dramatic difference when you take bigger cuttings opposed to small?

nice thread mobius!
What do you think about a fabric pot Hempy? If i set the pot in a container of nutrient rich water it would act the same as a Hempy with the benefits of a smart pot. I would have used a cat litter box but moebius corrected that mistake for me. I,ll need to make a custom lid that the pot fits in but that allows me to add water to the container without movin the plant around.

Hmm Interesting idea ... Fabric Hempy, I'll have to ponder the issues.

like the idea of fabric hempy ... there is an issue about leaving nute solution in a res for long. It really needs circulation and aeration to keep the res at the correct levels. A small res like whats inside the hempy is OK, the plant drinks it too quick but litres of solution would get a brine like film on the top unless stirred. .... it might or might not be an issue.

I made an auto feed system, using PVC pipe, a large pump, and 100L waterbutt. .... it could esily be adapted to recirculation. .... basically, One 42L box with the plants sitting on-top of another 42L box as the res..... The plants drain into the res and water is pumped back up to feed.... I cant do this due to my height restrictions.
i wanted to do this method for a while, i will try 1 to start and see how goes it. currently i do 12/12 fs but i am just starting to clone again now and i am going to do 12/12 from clone but i love the watering schedule with the hempy method i keep reading about.

The hempy has so many great things going about it I'm unable to state them all. The best is that the buds are the tightest most solid nugs ever.

is it viable 12/12 fs in a hempy?

From seed might be tricky, the seedling wont be feeding from the res for a while. I think it should work but I would use a 1:1 mix so its a little more moist than a 1:3 hempy.

is there a dramatic difference when you take bigger cuttings opposed to small?

Very dramatic, Ive thought I was being clever with my miniture cuttings. Apparently not. LOL
I should say that Violator Kush is the shortest strain Ive come across anyhow, G13 and Lemon Skunk are stretchers and I don't think will be as dramatic.

nice thread mobius!

Cheers Dude
Hmm Interesting idea ... Fabric Hempy, I'll have to ponder the issues.

With regards to the cat liter box. You'll notice mine are set in 42L underbed storage boxes. I noticed that the roots try to grow out the holes in the bottom of the hempy while they searched for water in the storage box. If the box was blacked out completely the roots would happily survive outside the hempy.

If your cat liter box was light-proofed, any roots would grow out of the holes and feed directly from the reservoir in the liter-box. My bottles only have 4 holes around the bottom, maybe 6 or 8 holes would allow more roots to grow out. ..... It will work IMO .. but will depend on how light proof the cat liter box was. .... Maybe not a cat-liter box but a black tub with proper lid.

I had wondered if this would happen with the 5 gallon in a liter box like I mentioned back on that nutrient thread. I guess the next step would be to add a little air stone to the container, Some kind of Hempy-DWC hybrid. As soon as I harvest the bag seed I have going right now and the temps drop back below the 90s I'll put some of these ideas to the test and make some real contributions to the world of Hempy. I've got some Papaya and ssome feminized Pure Power Plant from Nirvana I'm ready to try out.
Nice to learn a new technique.

Howdy Moebius-- we had a brief exchange over soilless mediums, lol. I thought I would take a lookie at your work, and I am impressed.

Everyone has limiting resources (light, space, etc.); mine happens to be time-- I'm a lazy ass, I suppose. Do you find that working intensively with clones takes less time than vegging for 3-4 weeks?

I am interested in semi-automating my soilless grow, too. I'll probably drain to waste (instead of a resevoir like you have), but the feeding mech would probably be the same. Are you considering a drip, or just tubing?

Sorry for rambling on. I'll sit quiet now. Sub'ed.
Nice to learn a new technique.

Still learning myself really but i'm already convinced it produces really high quality buds.

Howdy Moebius-- we had a brief exchange over soilless mediums, lol. I thought I would take a lookie at your work, and I am impressed.

Cheers Nitegazer, glad you dropped by. I want this to be a public thread but will post my results as long as I can.

Everyone has limiting resources (light, space, etc.); mine happens to be time-- I'm a lazy ass, I suppose. Do you find that working intensively with clones takes less time than vegging for 3-4 weeks?

Hell yeah, its quicker, plants feel more expendable, all the buds are top quality from top2bottom because light reaches the whole plant. The benefits are endless.

I am interested in semi-automating my soilless grow, too. I'll probably drain to waste (instead of a resevoir like you have), but the feeding mech would probably be the same. Are you considering a drip, or just tubing?

Yeah I tried an Auto feeding system and completed my first run with it. ... Due to my severe height restrictions I was unable to bale out the run-off from the tubs very easily. ... I contemplated a re-circulating system but in the end went for simplicity. .....

This is it basically.

Sorry for rambling on. I'll sit quiet now. Sub'ed.

Its an open thread, so ramble as you so wish.
Today I added a few more clones to the cloner. I only have three small Exodus Cheese moms ATM so am unable to fill the cloners all at once.

All the clones in the nearest rows went in today (18/07/2012). Lets see how long they take to develop roots ?


Meet the Moms - G13 Haze, Exodus Cheese, Lemon Skunk

I can't wait to clone these ladies. It should be a good comparison of different growth pheno's.


The plants in the first pic look really happy man. What are they growing in and what are you feeding them? Are they hempy?
The plants in the first pic look really happy man. What are they growing in and what are you feeding them? Are they hempy?

The clones? They are being sprayed water.

The seedling Moms are being fed just water too. {post# 28}

The Two slightly larger Moms have just had their first feed of Vitalink. (post#6)

All the potted plants are in a standard potting compost with a handfull of Perlite for drainage and a sprinkle WormCastings for extra food.
Hello Moebius,

Thanks for the invite !! I am doing something very similar. Most of my Lemon Skunks from GreenHouseSeeds are rather leggy and late for this method. I have 2 phenos that I will try and reveg that are better than the rest. I have height restrictions too. I have a wide variety going 12/12 from seed to get a good idea what's best. Pure Power Plant from Nirvana wins again ! They are the best looking/smelling buds I have ever seen.

I saw that you liked my DWC/hempy in Rusty's thread. As per your wishes I will try to post a pic later and give you my thoughts on what would make these even better.

I like what you have going on in your grow. Looks good.

+Reps !!
I am growing in my first hempy setup, almost 5 full weeks in from seed, and not doing great.. My plants are kinda small and growing slow as if they have not reached the res yet. Here is a link to my journal for this grow, in case you want to make any comments -

I have subbed and will keep an eye on this thread ;-)

Hello Moebius,

Thanks for the invite !! I am doing something very similar. Most of my Lemon Skunks from GreenHouseSeeds are rather leggy and late for this method. I have 2 phenos that I will try and reveg that are better than the rest. I have height restrictions too. I have a wide variety going 12/12 from seed to get a good idea what's best. Pure Power Plant from Nirvana wins again ! They are the best looking/smelling buds I have ever seen.

I saw that you liked my DWC/hempy in Rusty's thread. As per your wishes I will try to post a pic later and give you my thoughts on what would make these even better.

I like what you have going on in your grow. Looks good.

+Reps !!

This is great guys. I'm please y'all dropped by. ... I'm utterly hooked by the hempy method because of its simplicity and the quality of the nugs.

PowerPlant .... I'll try that without doubt.

GH Lemon Skunk is so leggy .... like one of those supermodels. but oh!, the taste and buds are amazing and it makes the best Lemon bubble Hashish. never done it hempy but can't wait to try.

And yeah, that DWC/Hempy hybrid was cool. I'm very interested in peoples own ideas. For me that's half the fun.

Try DNA's version of Lemon Skunk-- One of my girls is tall and leggy, but the other is pretty damn compact. Still has a nice scent, tho.


  • Lemon Skunk F32.jpg
    Lemon Skunk F32.jpg
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For those who did not see this in Rusty's thread. Just a little bit of perlite kept it from falling through...



The roots have grown a lot since these were taken a few weeks ago. It looks like rope now !

The light became a problem to it almost 2 weeks ago. One day I say white crap in the water so I changed it and cleaned the 2L. When I looked at it the next day algae was growing in the roots. The plant looked very sick overnight. I rinsed the roots out in the sink and put it in a 2L that was painted black. It recovered very fast. It only affected the leaves right under the growing tip. The tip continued on like nothing ever happened. Also the lower growth remained unharmed !! Only 1 set of leaves in the middle of the plant were affected and a little burn on the next set.

This plant is just around for test purposes. My next run I have rooting in netpots and collars. I will cut a 2" hole in the top of a 2L and skip the perlite altogether. If that run works out I plan on adapting these to a flood table to fill the reservoirs every other day or so. So many possibilities....
CHeers !

Try DNA's version of Lemon Skunk-- One of my girls is tall and leggy, but the other is pretty damn compact. Still has a nice scent, tho.
Thanks for the tip.
I might someday, but my PPP's are the bomb !!
I have some to big and some too small, but they were 12/12 from seed. I am curious how my clones will work in here.
Fantastic Gyro,

How far do you keep them in your hempy/DWC thing (you'll need to name it). ?

All the way till harvest? (surely not) If not, how do you transplant?
Fantastic Gyro,

How far do you keep them in your hempy/DWC thing (you'll need to name it). ?

All the way till harvest? (surely not) If not, how do you transplant?

Just in the testing phase now.

The plan is to keep them all the way. If it works in a 2L filled with perlite, why wouldn't it work with air and nutrient water ?
Just in the testing phase now.

The plan is to keep them all the way. If it works in a 2L filled with perlite, why wouldn't it work with air and nutrient water ?

HAHAHA ... I love it. ... Im going to try a few 'heath robinson' mashup's myself. .. I'm going to have so many clones soon it won't be a problem. The idea's are pouring into my head as I type and smoke.

I saw someone cut the 2L like I did on another site. They kept the lid on and drilled a lot of small holes and covered it in panty hose. Then they waited and waited for the roots to come through. I said heck with that, Start them out of the hole to begin with and forget the panties...

The netpot will give me more room for roots and will not get restricted in the bottle neck.