World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
Well hears my under standing of how the he oy bucket works. There is some slow growth until the roots hit the resuvoir, then it takes off.

I'm planning on taking my clones from my areo cloner when they gave like three to four inch roots and placing then in a hempy solo cop till the roots fill out in there and transplanting into progresivly larger Hempy buckets till I finish up in a five gallon hempy. So my cutting will be exactly 9weeks old from the day I take the cutting till it goes into flower. So I need the larger bucket.

This transplanting has always worked for me in soil, and since I cant water four to six times a day till the tap root reaches the rez. I figure enlarging to pot size enough for the tap root to constantly being in a rez could extend the time to at least a day between watering.

Even in perlite mix you wouldnt be watering a rooted clone 5-6x a day. A clone with a roots of 1" would require 1 daily feed. ... Obviously a longer root system will reduce this and would be better.


If you used coco or Rookwool/coco mix you would water once, wait 1 week and the roots would hit the res, then feed again. With these substrates I actually believe its better to have a shorter root system.


Well-Known Member
Sup guys... new to hempy but after talking with jela i figure id give it a go... here is a pic of some white rhino in a 2.5 gal coco hempy mini scrog. Im loving this stuff so far. This girl is 2 weeks into flower.


Also have 2 gdp, 2 black widow and 1 ak47 going in the same 2.5 gal coco hempys. They are beautiful. Ill take some pics and post them.


Well-Known Member

Are you noticing any deficiencies in your plants? I've been reading that these osmocote hempys are absolutely green the entire grow and was curious. While 4.5 is low, if all appears to be well then wonder what that means :/
The plant looks healthy but as always it could look better. But I'm thinking that 4.5 is too low. I'll stop using the ph down and continue to check the ph in the rez. Next watering I'll check the runoff just to see how much the ph and ec changes just by running the water through the OC laced coco.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks healthy but as always it could look better. But I'm thinking that 4.5 is too low. I'll stop using the ph down and continue to check the ph in the rez. Next watering I'll check the runoff just to see how much the ph and ec changes just by running the water through the OC laced coco.
Thanks I'm just curious. Ordered osmocote plus from amazon today with free 2 day shipping. I'm reading that people prefer using tap water if you can. Doing so negates the need to use cal/mag since oc+ is designed to be used with tap water. I have cal/mag, but was hoping I could do a grow without needing it. I don't use well / soft water so I should be in good shape.

All the reading I've done, people say they ph their water to 6ish and pour into the oc+ Hempy. Since nutes tend to lower ph significantly, I question the need to even ph. I think I'm gonna start a couple clones and test this for myself.


Well-Known Member
Sup guys... new to hempy but after talking with jela i figure id give it a go... here is a pic of some white rhino in a 2.5 gal coco hempy mini scrog. Im loving this stuff so far. This girl is 2 weeks into flower.

View attachment 2425727

Also have 2 gdp, 2 black widow and 1 ak47 going in the same 2.5 gal coco hempys. They are beautiful. Ill take some pics and post them.
Jela knows his stuff, glad we have another Hempy convert. :leaf:

Dude, your scrog looks amazing. Very neat and tidy, looks like they will last more than a grow or two. Some fantastic strains you got there too. My first ever plants were AK47 (Serious seeds) and Im also doing a GDP .

It would be great if you could keep us updated with your grow, we love this stuff. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks I'm just curious. Ordered osmocote plus from amazon today with free 2 day shipping. I'm reading that people prefer using tap water if you can. Doing so negates the need to use cal/mag since oc+ is designed to be used with tap water. I have cal/mag, but was hoping I could do a grow without needing it. I don't use well / soft water so I should be in good shape.

All the reading I've done, people say they ph their water to 6ish and pour into the oc+ Hempy. Since nutes tend to lower ph significantly, I question the need to even ph. I think I'm gonna start a couple clones and test this for myself.
Hey Dr,

With my water I have to use some cal/mag, it has a tds of 250 to 500 depending upon the seasonal water table level, but no CA in it. Your water sound like its just fine to me. I'd give it a try straight up, and watch the plants. Also it will create a really good baseline to compare to future adjustments. (& there will be adjustments)

If your interested, back on page 10 of this thread I detailed the way I set up an OC bucket.


Well-Known Member
Sup guys... new to hempy but after talking with jela i figure id give it a go... here is a pic of some white rhino in a 2.5 gal coco hempy mini scrog. Im loving this stuff so far. This girl is 2 weeks into flower.

View attachment 2425727

Also have 2 gdp, 2 black widow and 1 ak47 going in the same 2.5 gal coco hempys. They are beautiful. Ill take some pics and post them.
808 Nice lookin' single bucket scrog. Great set of strains, but I have to ask, since you're on the beach (lived there for 4yrs and try to get back every couple yrs) why aren't you trying to tame some of the local beasts.


Active Member
Sup guys... new to hempy but after talking with jela i figure id give it a go... here is a pic of some white rhino in a 2.5 gal coco hempy mini scrog. Im loving this stuff so far. This girl is 2 weeks into flower.

View attachment 2425727

Also have 2 gdp, 2 black widow and 1 ak47 going in the same 2.5 gal coco hempys. They are beautiful. Ill take some pics and post them.
Wow man your scrog looks so pretty. I have to know what kind of nutes you run. Good job so far dude.


Active Member
Well hears my under standing of how the he oy bucket works. There is some slow growth until the roots hit the resuvoir, then it takes off.

I'm planning on taking my clones from my areo cloner when they gave like three to four inch roots and placing then in a hempy solo cop till the roots fill out in there and transplanting into progresivly larger Hempy buckets till I finish up in a five gallon hempy. So my cutting will be exactly 9weeks old from the day I take the cutting till it goes into flower. So I need the larger bucket.

This transplanting has always worked for me in soil, and since I cant water four to six times a day till the tap root reaches the rez. I figure enlarging to pot size enough for the tap root to constantly being in a rez could extend the time to at least a day between watering.
Mixing some vermiculite in with the perlite will really help with water retention and reduce watering frequency. I would try not to do too many transplants, maybe from solos to 2 gallons to the 5.


Active Member
Hey guys I have a slight problem. My room is getting quite hot. I'm think high ninetys. I just bought an ac unit and ducting go exhaust for the air cooled hoods. Home depot didn't have any fans. So imma just buy some off amazon. But my new transplants are wilting. From what I can tell its cause of the medium. Since they were in so cups before I transplanted into 4 gallon buckets. I guess cause there's not many roots protruding from the base of the transplant yet it can't soak up much water from the medium. my medium is mostly perlite and a top layer of verm. I think the perlite isn't holding enough water around the rootball. So I have to water like every few hrs to reverse the wilting. I retransplanted tthem deeper to get closer to the rez. Should I mix more verm next time?



Well-Known Member
Its transpiring more water through the leaves than its taking in through the roots . Mist. Mist. Mist.

The plant will take water through their 'stomata' in their leaves and stems faster than it can move water to the effected areas through their roots..


Well-Known Member
@ watt: been growing all the local strains for years outdoors... but since ive moved into the city now outdoors wont do. Gotta grow indoor for security and discretion. Plus i only grow personal smoke now so a small setup does me just fine. Been trying different strains here and there even some autoflowers. If i ever move back to the country side ill grow outdoors again. And boy do plants get really big outdoors here in hawaii...

@ georgyboy: i use pure blend pro grow and bloom. I also use liquid karma, calmag, and sweets.


Active Member
@WATTSAVER thanks for the tip on the crf ,busy reading all about it now, this could suit me down to the ground, how do you think it will do in the pot culture type reservoir i run?


Well-Known Member
Sup guys... new to hempy but after talking with jela i figure id give it a go... here is a pic of some white rhino in a 2.5 gal coco hempy mini scrog. Im loving this stuff so far. This girl is 2 weeks into flower.

View attachment 2425727

Also have 2 gdp, 2 black widow and 1 ak47 going in the same 2.5 gal coco hempys. They are beautiful. Ill take some pics and post them.
Hey 808! so good to see you over here in WOH. Looks like your conversion to coco has been very successful....I knew you would like it. Looks like you stepped up in bucket size too...awesome. Time for some "quantity" and "quality".


Well-Known Member
C99, dried already...up in jars...yield is surprising large in volume, low in mass....looked like I had a good 4os per plant but after weighing it was only 2.75oz. per plant. A record low for the past 7 grows. But....this is mostly sativa. Lots of air in the hair if you know what I mean. I can't fit 1 oz in a quart jar. The smoke is so far our favorite of all time. Energetic..uplifting...fruity taste is outta this world.. Xmas has come early.



Well-Known Member
G13 Pineapple Express in 2g Mapito hempies... 30days from seed, just moved into 12/12. The Mapito medium is working out to be an every 4-day watering frequency at just under 1gal per plant in the 2gal buckets. I switched out my 2 180W LED's to a 400W HPS to warm the house a little. Some may wonder about me...I dabble on both sides of the fence with lighting during the year. T5's in veg, LED or HPS during flower. There's no difference in yield with either LED or HPS lighting with my grow methods....I think the hempy method takes yield over the top such that lighting isn't much of a factor with my grow space and the LED size/brand I use. Be flames on WOH.



Active Member
G13 Pineapple Express in 2g Mapito hempies... 30days from seed, just moved into 12/12. The Mapito medium is working out to be an every 4-day watering frequency at just under 1gal per plant in the 2gal buckets. I switched out my 2 180W LED's to a 400W HPS to warm the house a little. Some may wonder about me...I dabble on both sides of the fence with lighting during the year. T5's in veg, LED or HPS during flower. There's no difference in yield with either LED or HPS lighting with my grow methods....I think the hempy method takes yield over the top such that lighting isn't much of a factor with my grow space and the LED size/brand I use. Be flames on WOH.
I use a combo of HPS and LED. I think LED gets more frosty but I've seen a little less when it comes to yeild, not a huge difference but a noticeable one. I think the quality makes up for it. I really like to veg with LED, roots go crazy!